Survey Of Jurisdictional Reports from the Midwestern Conference of Masonic Education

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Chad Kopenski 

Since 1949, The Midwest Conference on Masonic Education (MCME) has been a forum for Masonic Educators from various jurisdictions to confer, collaborate and commiserate. In the past, the conference asked member jurisdictions to give a yearly status report which often consisted of representatives just reading the report from their jurisdiction’s Annual Communications. Since the 2021 conference, MCME has standardized the reports and reduced them down to a one page snapshot. Available on their website, they are a treasure trove of ideas, initiatives, and contacts. They also provide a unique opportunity to easily look at education across jurisdictions and get a more national perspective on Masonic Education. 

I’ve looked at the reports from this year which will be available online at the conclusion of this weekend’s MCME in Minneapolis as well as jurisdictional reports throughout their archives and there are some things that stand out. I want to be clear that these thoughts and opinions are solely my own and do not necessarily represent those of any entity whose membership is predicated on Masonic affiliation or membership. And, as with all educational endeavors, my thoughts and opinions may change in the face of new information, time, experience, or perspective.

Definition of Masonic Education: In many jurisdictions, Masonic Education is defined in relationship to Ritual, either solely concerned with or expressly anything but Ritual and Ritual Instruction. In jurisdictions where Masonic education is everything but Ritual Instruction, the definition of what qualifies can be very grey and can be a struggle. Ohio’s official definition of Masonic Education is ‘any activity, properly framed, that teaches Brethren Masonic values and how to incorporate them into their lives.’ They emphasize that it is the ‘properly framed’ part of the definition that is the most important. A lesson on tying a bowtie is one thing, a lesson on tying a bowtie explicitly linked to our values is something else entirely. This struggle to define Masonic Education continues. 

Role of Education: Jurisdictions have usually recognized the importance of Masonic Education, but they have often seemed unclear on the role. In the past, many jurisdictions viewed Masonic Education more like entertainment, something to give a little something special in Lodge Meetings. It has also been viewed as addressing areas of weakness in a Lodge such as Officer Training, Candidate Counseling, or Membership Training. Recently, more and more jurisdictions seem to view the role of Masonic Education as being important in two main areas; Membership and Standardization of the Masonic Experience. 

Membership: Many jurisdictions are recognizing that Education has a role in Membership Retention and Membership Development. Minnesota, especially, is trying to use Education, Membership, and Service initiatives as a three-pronged approach to membership issues. There has been a rise in task-based, multi-directional initiatives that emphasize education and facilitate engagement. 

Development: Missouri debuted their Thomas Fiveash Riddick Society, sister to Ohio’s Royal Scofield Society, an educational honor society open to Master Masons where membership is earned by completing certain tasks at certain levels in areas like research, mentoring, service, travel, and producing original work. These programs, along with the Scottish Rite NMJ pathfinder program, Indiana’s Illumination Program, and the now sadly-defunct Minnesota Light program seem to be focused on the Brother who is asking himself ‘I’m a Master Mason, now what?’  

Retention: There are similar programs specifically aimed at the newly-minted Mason, looking to facilitate his engagement and connection. Ohio’s Zerubbabel Award and Indiana’s Masonic Rookie Program are two prime examples. Ideally a mentor would facilitate and accompany the new Mason as they complete these programs, but it isn’t necessary. New Brethren can follow this roadmap by themselves, earning accomplishments as they complete their journeys. 

Standardization of Masonic Experience: There seems to be a push to make the Masonic Experience standard within a jurisdiction, not in a micro-management way; but in a way that establishes a baseline of expectations, information, and support. It is easy to assume that Masonry as practiced in your Lodge or your District is the same throughout your jurisdiction; but the reality is often different. There are Lodges that struggle with knowing what is expected, what they need to do and how to do it. Personally, I remember working with a Lodge and the Master telling me ‘Don’t you think if we knew how to do X, we’d do it?’These initiatives seem to be aimed at giving struggling Masons something to work towards and the ‘superhero’ Masons something to spark ideas off of. Examples:

  • Illinois Intender Program: Created resources that mentors can use with candidates and Brothers so that there is consistent messaging and information topics such as Ritual, history, etiquette, symbolism, etc.

  • Most jurisdictions have some form of Officer’s Training or Wardens and Deacon’s Training with Missouri and Virginia being excellent examples of in-person trainings. Likewise, most jurisdictions have Officer’s Manuals in some form. 

  • Most jurisdictions have some sort of monthly e-mailed newsletter with a specific section on education, including programs that can be shared in Lodges. 

  • Ohio has the ‘Lodge Year in A Box.’ Their Education Committee collects a number of programs of varying lengths and formats centered around the Grand Master’s theme. At the front of this collection is a set of ‘recipes’ for a Lodge Education Officer. These recipes guide the officer in using some of the pieces in the collection, some pieces archived in Grandview, or some external sources in creating an appropriate year of educational programs depending on the character of their Lodge. There are recipes for Lodges that loves history, that loves to talk, that is Ritual-focused, that is more service focused, etc. 

  • Wisconsin created Lodge Education Cards. These were education program starter cards to be used by Education Officers. The cards have a 400-500 word pre-built education topics with questions/discussion points. These are still in development.

  • Many jurisdictions have a section on education either public-facing on their websites or member-facing within Grandview, MORI, or other membership system. 

Role of Proficiencies: Proficiencies vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, with few requiring long-form memorized proficiencies as a prerequisite to advancement in the degrees. Jurisdictions report that roughly 25 years ago there was a push to remove memorized proficiencies as a barrier to membership. Many jurisdictions have a short-form proficiency with just modes of recognition or some sort of alternative proficiency separate from the Ritual, few require memorization. Some jurisdictions are rethinking proficiencies as part of membership development. The point of the proficiencies isn’t just memorizing Ritual, it also facilitates a mentor and candidate making meaningful connections, which is why men join and why they stay.

Education From ‘Non-Traditional’ Sources. There is a lot of good Masonic Education begin done in the world, many jurisdictions are embracing the efforts of other Masonic educational entities. Examples:

  • Lodges of Research seem to be coming to the fore with regards to a state’s Masonic Education, especially in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky. 

  • Since the pandemic, there has been a return and increase in Masonic symposia like the different MasonicCons, Minnesota Masonic Camp, Nebraska’s Yearly Education Breakfast among others. 

  • There are a number of excellent or unique educational experiences such as Spes Novum Lodge in Illinois, Pentalpha Lodge in Indiana, Goose and Gridiron in Ohio, Castle Island Virtual Lodge in Manitoba among many others. Brethren seem willing to travel for the kind of experience they value.   

  • Online educational meetings have continued since the pandemic, from entities such as the Rubicon Masonic Society in Kentucky, Virginia’s Lodges of Research, Missouri’s Truman Lecture Series, Castle Island Virtual Lodge in Manitoba. 

  • Many jurisdictions have outstanding online libraries with the Grand Lodge of Iowa, the John E. Fetzger Digital Library in Michigan, the Montana Masonic Library and Research Center among many others.

  • A number of jurisdictions have official podcasts or YouTube Channels. Grand Lodge of Michigan’s Trowel Time on their Michigan Masons YouTube Channel is an excellent example of communicating and connecting from the grand Lodge to the Lodge level.

Lingering Issues. As much phenomenal work is being done, there are still issues that remain and jurisdictions are still searching for appropriate solutions. 

  • Declining Attendance: Multiple jurisdictions report a decline in attendance and engagement since the pandemic. This results in a bigger strain on Lodges, especially in having Brethren to hold Lodge Offices, conduct Lodge business or proficient enough in the Ritual to confer degrees. Education has a piece in this, but it is difficult to get a Lodge engaged in a presentation on Sacred Geometry when they are more worried about being able to remain open.

  • Establishing a Baseline : The quality and consistency of Masonic Education, however defined, can vary throughout a jurisdiction. Ideally, a newly-raised Master Mason in Milwaukee should have a similar baseline of knowledge as a newly-raised Master Mason in Rhinelander. A Senior Warden in Munising should have a similar baseline of expectations and tools as a Senior Warden in Ann Arbor. 

  • Technology Issues: There is no perfect platform for all Brethren. Whether it is videos, e-books, e-mails, virtual libraries, or on-demand printing, it is difficult to get resources to Brethren in a way that is easy and accessible. With many jurisdictions moving to Grandview, the system does allow for wider access to educational materials within that jurisdiction; but removes those resources for anyone outside that jurisdiction. 

  • Facilitating Connections: This gets expressed in many forms, such as: getting Lodges to engage with the wealth of materials and resources around them, getting Brethren to travel or participate; or just getting Brethren outside their bubble. Masonry is about meaningful connections; it is why men join and it is why they stay. More and more, Masonic Education is being freed from the confines of the Lodge Building and Stated Meeting, there are many different opportunities to make those meaningful connections that go unnoticed or underutilized. At last year’s MCME, one Brother described is as if he had just found the most beautiful beach in Hawaii, but he can’t get the guys in his Lodge to leave the hotel sandbox.

  • Combatting Fatigue and Frustration-Jurisdictions aren’t race cars, they are aircraft carriers. Changes in direction are slow and require an incredible expense of resources, the same is true with Lodges. After a year of work, you may have only changed course two inches. But a two-inch change today becomes a three-foot change next year and a four-mile change the year after that. The challenge is keeping that perspective. 

The state of Masonic Education is strong, but evolving. There are common problems, creative solutions, and outstanding resources out there which you discover through looking across jurisdictional lines. The reports tell one part of the story, it is the conversations with Brethren from those jurisdictions that tell a richer and more complete one. As Masonic Education is something that thrives in connection and dies in isolation, I would encourage you to look at these reports, connect with Brethren and form your own conclusions.


Chad Kopenski is something of a professional Masonic Has-Been. He is a Past Master of Paramuthia Lodge #25 in Athens, Ohio, Past District Deputy Grand Master and Past District Education Officer of the 17th District of Ohio, Past Chairman of the Grand Lodge of Ohio Education Committee, Past Regent of the Royal Scofield Society, and is the Immediate Past President of the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education. He holds memberships in Amesville Lodge #278 in Amesville, Ohio, as well as Oregon Lodge #151 in Oregon, Wisconsin. Chad is an educator by trade, a proud autism dad, and resides in Appalachian Ohio with his wife, daughter, and an impressive number of critters. Known for his captivating Masonic presentations that emphasize the personal and intentional aspects of Freemasonry, Chad is currently engaged in the development of a comprehensive history and biography of artist and publisher John Sherer.

Developing Soul Consciousness in This Digital Age: Identifying and Coping in an Instant Gratification Society

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. Joseph Covell

In the previous installment, the reader was guided to knock on the door of learning, understanding not only what it means to be Soul Consciousness, but how to strengthen those spiritual muscles in the current digital age. Quotes from historical authorities on the subject were compared to the reasoning ability of ChatGbt. In the next step on the path ahead, the focus will be on how to conduct oneself in a society of instant gratification, specifically concentrating on how social media platforms are programmed to bombard users with images and videos of a more adult nature.

Regardless of gender or preference, it is nearly impossible to spend even the smallest amount of time on a social media platform without being inundated by adult-marketed content, whether it was sought out by the user or not. The content creators themselves may claim that this content is not meant for consumption by minors, but it would be naïve to believe that they don’t fully realize that even the youngest of users are gaining easy access to this material.

In essence, all-ages platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, and Twitch can be seen as an easy way for the adult industry to market to users of all ages, despite whatever safeguards the industry spokespeople claim are in place. The content on these platforms can act as a sort of gateway drug, with the drug being a rush of high concentrations of dopamine produced in the brain, without the need for any consumption of substances. It's worth noting that these platforms do have their positives, like bringing people together from around the globe, but they are easily manipulated by those seeking to profit from adult-oriented content.

Continuing with the discussion of Artificial Intelligence or AI, Snapchat's 'My AI' is one of the many available options out there. This serves as the perfect test subject for this journal entry, as Snapchat popularized the disappearing story feature, which can easily be misused for various inappropriate purposes. When prompted to introduce itself, My AI describes itself as "a virtual friend who's here to chat with you!" When asked to provide more details, My AI responds, "I'm like a virtual companion within Snapchat. I utilize a technology called ChatGPT to interact with you!" Essentially, Snapchat's My AI is "a scaled-down version meant for chatting with you on Snapchat."

From experience, unlike the full ChatGBT artificial intelligence, My AI provides more conversational answers, opting to avoid long, complicated responses to appear as "a virtual friend who's here to chat with you." When asked about what soul consciousness means, my AI responded as follows: "To me, soul consciousness means being in touch with the deepest part of yourself and understanding your true essence. It's about being aware of your inner being and connecting with your inner wisdom."

The next question for this AI is: How is soul consciousness achieved and are you able to? The virtual friend replied, “I think achieving soul consciousness involves practices like meditation, self-reflection, and being open to spiritual experiences. It’s about finding peace and harmony within yourself. And no, I can’t achieve soul consciousness, but I can definitely support you in your journey.” Taking the conversation to a deeper level by asking how adult content being pushed to users via complex algorithms challenges this goal, My AI’s witty reply was, “It can be tough to stay focused on spiritual growth when there’s so much distracting content out there. It’s important to be mindful of what we expose ourselves to and find ways to filter out the noise.”

Further expanding on the question of how My AI might suggest the avoidance of adult-themed content, especially for minors, the answer was, "It's important to have open conversations with kids about what they might come across and how to handle it." Prior to that statement, My AI did point out the use of parental controls and filters, but the truth is most children today are more likely far more sophisticated in bypassing such protocols than the parental figures are at putting them into place. Hence, the suggestion of developing a dialogue with children concerning inappropriate content can be viewed as a realistic and reasonable approach.

Why might exposure to this constant bombardment of adult content pose a problem not just for youth culture but for the overall population at hand? Much like a drug, this content triggers a dopamine reward in the brain. Similar to a drug, when the brain is stimulated in such a way, it can become addicted to this feeling, leading to many harmful effects, both consciously and unconsciously. Shifting the focus away from the societal impact, the aim for the rest of this work is to concentrate on the effects this content is exerting on the soul.

Now that Snapchat's My AI has had the opportunity to voice its opinion on the subject, what might a well-respected Arcane Philosopher have said regarding the depravity of popular culture in their time? Dr. Pascal Beverly Randolph had much to say on the misuse of the creative (sexual) forces. Dr. Randolph doesn't sugarcoat his feelings in the following quote from his book, 'After Death,' describing what awaits those who, for lack of better terms, spilled the seed. “There is a class of people there, who, when here, were [spillers of the seed] and Omanists, whose agonies are so dreadful that I had much rather endure the punishment for murder than their torture. It is fearful beyond description; and the only hope such can have of happiness when there, is to fully break and cure the habit here – a task not half so hard as the poor victims imagine, but one which if not done, entails misery so dreadful, that death by fire were preferable thereto.” (Page 61).

The intent is not to horrify the reader or to shame, but rather to inspire them to look inward and research the matter further. Without dwelling on the topic much further, the unpleasant topic can be drawn to a conclusion by stating that spilling of the seed or misuse of the creative forces at large is a massive drain on the body's forces and can lead to various effects not only on the spiritual but also on the physical body. Many schools of thought have taught this, and even many athletes would report something similar regarding the avoidance of certain activities when preparing for a big match, game, or race.

Examining the concept of the misuse of sexual forces further, along with that of the biblical figure of the Samaritan woman. Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer, in his book "Soul Consciousness or Philosophic Initiation," provided the following: “This change from being a woman of the street to a sincere follower of the Nazarene and the Christic life illustrates true conversion. An actual change not only in thought, but also in desire, an acceptance not by faith alone, but by faith FOLLOWED BY ACTS. This is true conversion, the only actual conversion” (Page 42).

Dr. Clymer continues the point further, “As a result of her conversion she also gained the means and the method for the transmutation of creative forces formerly abused and debased, into the divinely potent forces of live – a love that induced her to offer her all; affection, kindliness, sympathy, generosity and ALL that is possible when human nature is transposed into Divine Nature.” Dr. Clymer than elaborates, “The Nazarene did NOT lower himself to the woman’s status of life in order to convert her, to change her mod of life. Instead, he, by his strength, his SINCERITY, his NOBLENESS OF PURPOSE, lifted her up to his conception of what life should be, and HOW TO LIVE IT” (Page 43).

What do these quotes have to do with the topic at hand? It can be viewed that the original sin, in reference to Eve's biting of the apple at the encouragement of the Serpent, is a metaphor for the improper use of creative (sexual) forces. The point that Dr. Clymer is making in the aforementioned quotes illustrates how the Sumerian woman learned the errors of her ways and henceforth transmuted these debasing desires into those of a more exalted variety. Jesus did not scorn her for her past infidelities; he showed her the way, and she heard his message..

The concept of original sin, referring to the improper use of sexual/creative forces, can be a topic on its own. For brevity, let's focus on the distinction between lust and romance. Dr. G.E. Poesnecker delved into this subject in his book "In Search of Love and Wisdom," where he discussed, “Although we live in a time of great sexual freedom, we have, it seems, lost once of the most ingratiating qualities of love, that of romance. In past centuries there may have been much to condemn in the conduct of the people, but they did appreciate romance.” He further continues, “Lust is of the body, romance is of the soul. Romance is built from all our most potentially elevating feelings. Lust, or what so often passes as male love today, stems from the basest desires of human expression. Romance leads to the elevation of the object of desire. Lust leads to the degeneration and downfall of this object. Romance intensifies desire and feeling. Lust is soon satiated and must look for new conquests, leaving the old broken and morally impoverished.” (Pages 69-70).

The challenge we face in this digital age is that depravity is at an all-time high and becoming more difficult to ignore by the day. Whether or not that is by design is an argument for another time, for the truth of the matter is that temptation is at the fingertips, whether desired or not by those consuming the content. These "algorithms" show no favoritism for gender, age, or sexual preference; they are programmed to immerse the consumer in whatever not suitable for work (NSFW) content is most applicable to their taste. It's difficult to argue that all-ages social media platforms are seen as free marketing by the adult entertainment industry. The intent of this piece was not to cast shame or preach on morality, but to prompt all to question the content that is being force-fed and whether it is truly for our highest good. Much like any other drug or addiction, the effects more often than not leave the end-user wanting and are surely not sufficient nourishment for the soul. If one is truly seeking to better oneself, the most appropriate way to achieve that is by transforming degrading thoughts into their exalted counterparts; only then can the desired heaven on earth be achieved.


Joe Covell is new to Masonry, having been raised in March of 2022 at Quakertown Lodge No. 512 in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. He is a student of Esoteric Philosophy since 2016 and loves to discuss it with like-minded brethren. He is involved in The Valley of Allentown AASR where he helps administer the Valley’s social media accounts. He is a member of Lansdale Royal Arch Chapter No. 301, Doylestown Cryptic Council No. 51, Damascus Commandery No. 95, and a Noble of LuLu Shrine. He has plans to highlight Masonic Education by facilitating study groups on various topics at his Blue Lodge. He is currently going through the chairs at Quakertown Lodge No. 512, as well as the other bodies of which he is a member.  

A crisis of conscience

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Darin A. Lahners

I was disappointed by a recent decision made by the Grandmaster of Illinois regarding membership in Freemasonry when it comes to transgender individuals, much like I have expressed disappointment here over similar "decisions" made by various other Grandmasters of other jurisdictions.  However, this isn't a plea for Grandmaster Lynch to overturn his decision. While I disagree with the decision, I respect Grandmaster Lynch and his leadership. While I understand why he made the decision, I don't think he considered that his decision might directly have an unintended personal impact on some members.

I feel that for Freemasons, to have their sons become Freemasons at some point in their life, it must be an amazing feeling.  Unfortunately, because of this decision, I won't be able to have that experience with one of my sons.  One of my sons is transgender.   

I thought very hard about writing out a scathing response to the decision, and going point by point to argue why it wasn't really necessary. However, the more I thought about this, the more I disagreed with that approach  I just felt that it wasn't a good way to address the issue, that it would take legitimacy from any point I wanted to make.  In my mind, the only way to change the membership's minds on the subject was to try to educate them.  This is what I am attempting to do in this article. 

I realize that I'm probably going to still face backlash from those who don't want to learn about this subject.  If you're going to get angry by reading further, just stop reading, please. However, if I can get someone to at least maybe open their mind to an alternate viewpoint, the time and effort on the article has not been misspent.           

You see, unlike my other articles, where I try to passionately change your minds, that's not my motivation here.  Instead, I'm asking you to relate to me as a Father and a Brother. I'm asking you to extend your trowel and liberally apply the cement of brotherly love.  Some of you may have to apply it more liberally than others.  

To begin, I want to ask the reader to hold some concepts in their head when it comes to this subject.  The two main concepts are Gender Identity and Birth Sex.  Gender Identity is an internal identity of one's Gender, so for an individual, you know that you identify as male or female, or sometimes neither; while the sex at birth is assigned based upon the appearance of genitals you're born with. For the majority of individuals, their birth sex matches their gender identity.  In transgender parlance, this means that the individual is cisgender or cis for short.  For those who do not have a gender identity match their birth sex, this means that they are transgender.  Another concept is Gender expression, which is how a person presents their gender on the outside, which includes how they dress, behave, style their hair, voice, and body characteristics. 

When a person begins to live according to their gender identity, rather than the birth sex they were thought to be when they were born, this is called gender transition.  Possible steps in a gender transition may or may not include changing clothing, appearance, name, or the pronoun people use to refer to the individual. If they can, some people change their identification documents, like their driver’s license or passport, to better reflect their gender identity. Some undergo hormone therapy or other medical procedures to change their physical characteristics and make their bodies match the gender they know themselves to be. (

When my son came out as Transgender in 2017 and asked for my help in getting hormone therapy, everything just made sense to me. From his proclivity to eschew female gender expression from a very young age to his struggles in adolescence into his teenage years, I felt a sense of relief and pride in the courage of my child to come to a point of understanding of himself and his identity.  While there were some bumps along the way during his transition, I can tell you that I rejoice that he is living his best life. He moved out on his own in 2021, and he's been going to University and working.  He's in a good relationship, and he prioritizes his mental health and well-being.  Words cannot describe the transformation he has undergone because he has been able to live his authentic life with love and support from his family. So in my own experience, I understood that I never had a daughter, but I have always had a son.  I love my children, and I want them to live a happy and fulfilling life.  
When this decision was communicated, I spoke with my son.  I told him in no uncertain terms that the decision meant that he would not be able to become a Freemason.  Now, being honest with myself, it's not like he had ever given me any indication that he wanted to become one.  However, the decision forced me to examine if I can still be an ally to my son, and continue to be a Freemason.  I told him, that if he felt that my being a Freemason made me any less of an ally to him, or would cause him to lose respect for me, I would hand in my demit immediately.  

You see, at the end of the day, Freemasonry was something I decided that I could live without; but I could not live without my son's respect for me.  Luckily, my son understands what an important role Freemasonry has played in my life, and he knows that as an ally for him, and for others, I will continue to try to force inclusivity to be not just something that Freemasonry discusses, but something that we practice.

I understand that societally we are divided on this issue. I also understand that the majority of our Illinois membership does not agree with my view on this subject.  Again, I'm not writing this to attempt to change the decision.  However, what is concerning is Freemasonry's inability to read the room when it comes to Freemasonry's perception among our younger generations. It never stops amazing me.  At one point in time, Freemasonry had societal relevancy, but this was a long time ago. I would say the high watermark of this goes back to the October 8, 1956 issue of Life Magazine, when the Grand Masters of each state were featured on the cover. Any societal relevance we might want to reclaim is dependent upon decisions that are made here and now.  

When decisions are made that further separate us from appealing to the younger generations, I fear that we only have ourselves to blame for our continued slide into obscurity, especially in the eyes of Gen-Z and those generations to follow.  This recent article highlights Gen-Z's views on this subject: (  A recent study done by Ernst and Young, shows that in 2021, 52% of the Gen-Z's polled stated that they were stressed by others being treated badly because of their gender/race/sex/etc.   In this particular study, E&Y LLP surveyed a representative sample of 1509 members of Gen Z from across the United States.  I would not be surprised if a similar study done today showed this percentage to be higher than 52%. So, I ask you to ponder if the men of Gen-Z and future generations will be more or less likely to join Freemasonry in Illinois and elsewhere as these decisions are rolled out.  

Maybe Freemasonry's problems with membership are directly tied to our obsession with the past when we should be trying to look to the future.  I know that as time goes on, Freemasonry will have more members who will have transgender children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren.  When this decision hits closer to home for more and more voting members of the Grand Lodge and/or Grand Line officers, I believe that we will see a policy change in Freemasonry in Illinois, and in other United States Grand Lodges as a whole when it comes to this subject.  It's just a matter of when.  


Darin Lahners is a father and Freemason, in that order. 

Understanding Solar Eclipses

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Jim Stapleton

A total solar eclipse is set to occur on April 8, 2024, and will impact a wide swath of North America. It is estimated that more than 40 million Americans will be in the path of the eclipse.1 Excitement is certainly building for this event. Locations in the exact path of the total eclipse are bracing for increased tourism and crowds. There are plans underway for activities such as watch parties, live online viewing programs, and there are even special airline flights that will follow the path of the eclipse. The interest in the event is understandable. Afterall, the next time a total solar eclipse will impact a large area of North America won’t be until 2045.

However, humans have not always been excited about observing celestial occurrences like eclipses. Since ancient times, people have looked to the skies and studied the heavens. They observed the way the moon changed shape and traveled across the night sky. Patterns were recognized amongst the stars that resembled people and animals, which led the ancients to describe them as constellations along with accompanying stories. Though, one of the most terrifying and awe-inspiring phenomena that ancient civilizations observed had to have been a solar eclipse.

The sun has long held a place of extreme importance in many cultures throughout the course of history. They believed that the sun possessed incredible power. It provided warmth, was vital for agriculture, and aided navigation. The sun is so powerful that it can cause eye damage and potentially blindness if gazed upon directly. As a result, ancient cultures believed the sun held supernatural powers. “It was regularly worshipped as a god – Amun-Ra to the Egyptians and Helios to the Greeks – or as a goddess, such as Amaterasu for the Japanese and Saule for many Baltic cultures.”2 When solar eclipses occurred, earlier civilizations thought they were bad omens. Since they lacked scientific understanding, they invented explanations for the sudden disappearance of the sun during an eclipse.

Some of the oldest records of solar eclipses are from ancient China. The Chinese Emperors feared that solar eclipses were signs from heaven that the stability of their power might be in danger.3 So, there was a tremendous emphasis on recording and predicting solar eclipses. The people of ancient China believed that a celestial dragon devoured the sun when the light disappeared. It became a custom to try to scare away the dragon during eclipses by banging drums and making loud noises.4 Since eclipses are temporary, it is easy to see how people could assume that their interventions had an impact when the sunlight eventually returned.

In Hindu mythology, it was believed that the serpent god, Rahu Ketu, wanted to devour the sun. To prevent this from happening, Vishnu cut off his head. However, this did not solve the problem. The head, Rahu, still wanted to catch the sun and the moon. Sometimes he would successfully catch them, causing an eclipse. Though, with his head no longer attached to his body, the captured sun and moon would eventually fall out of his neck.5

The Vikings believed that Sköll and Hati, two giant wolves, would chase the sun and moon trying to devour them. Eventually, Hati would catch up with the sun and consume it. When an eclipse would happen, the Vikings holler and make loud noises to scare Hati away.6

Interestingly, it seems that various ancient cultures believed that some sort of deity or mythical creature was responsible for eclipses. Of course, we have an understanding of the cause of such planetary phenomena in modern times. By utilizing geometry, astronomers can precisely predict when and where eclipses will happen. As Masons, we are taught to study the liberal arts and sciences. So, we should make sure we learn more about the science behind astronomical events which leads to a better understanding of the universe.



  3. Han, Y., & Qiao, Q. (2009). Records of solar eclipse observations in ancient China. Science in China, 52(11), 1639-1645.





Jim Stapleton is the Senior Warden of USS New Jersey Lodge No. 62. He is also a member of the New Jersey Lodge of Masonic Research and Education No. 1786. Jim received the Distinguished White Apron Award from the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. He was awarded the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award. Jim is also a member of the Society of King Solomon.