Golf Numbers Are Down Too

by Senior Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Gregory J. Knott

Our local newspaper the Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette had a front-pagestory today about the status of golf courses in the area. Many of the courses are hurting financially because the number of rounds played is down about. The paper reported that nationally more than 5 percent of all golf courses have closed in since 2005 and the number of participants has declined from a high of 30 million in 2005 down to 23.8 million in 2016.

In our area, one course is already closed and couple of others are on the verge of closing as well. One course was sold and re-opened as a 12-hole course. One of the owners of a course was quoted as saying "It's a different world. People are busy now, so we think that 12 holes is the place to be. They don't have time for 18," said Percy, whose group runs the only 12-hole course in the area.”

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Here at the Midnight Freemasons and on numerous other blogs and podcasts across the internet have been filled with articles on how to improve Freemasonry, how to get new members, how to make things easier, getting back to the basics etc.

Freemasonry is not alone on feeling the changes in society. At times we are very hard on ourselves about what is wrong with Freemasonry. But for all of things that could be improved in the craft, I personally believe we have a very awesome organization already in place.

Just as societal changes have impacted golf, they have also affected this fraternity. But we are adapting and positive changes are happening in this fraternity across the nation. A renewed focus on education has taken hold in many lodges. The fraternity is on a path to return to our roots and focus on what we do best, making good men better.

I am firmly convinced that greatest day in this fraternity is today. We have a long rich history as a fraternity, but today is what matters. I’ve seen the difference this fraternity has made in the lives of countless members, including myself. That’s happening across the nation every day when a lodge meets, initiates another brother or is out helping the community.

Make today count. Go to your blue lodge meetings, invite back a brother who hasn’t been there in a while, give a petition to a deserving potential brother, write a paper for lodge education or visit another lodge to meet some new brothers.

Just as the golfing industry is adjusting, so is Freemasonry and we will be stronger for it.


WB Gregory J. Knott is the Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No. 970 in St. Joseph (IL) and a plural member of Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL), Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL) and Naval Lodge No. 4 in Washington, DC.

The Importance of a Meeting

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Robert E. Jackson

When is my next meeting? Ugh, that's too far out. I need to find a meeting. This day was complete crap, work is driving me nuts, family pressures are surmounting, and tax season. Arrgh! Great, I found a meeting, show up, there is coffee, some sweets, and people that I can speak with openly and trust not to judge me for my indiscretions.

Growing up in a household plagued with addictions, the discussion of 'finding a meeting' happened at least monthly, but not always the same person. The purpose for finding the meeting, however, is always the same. Things are going rough in life. Heightened stress and anxiety, pushing you to take another drink. Once in that meeting, though, you are surrounded by people who care about you, and your success in sobriety. People that will accept you, no matter what you've done, recognizing how difficult it was simply to be there, and that you're there for one reason, to improve yourself in sobriety. See any parallels? I'm hoping so…

This week was rough. I'm still not sure why. Any number of things can contribute to an 'off' day. The demands of Lodge, Scouts, Work, Family can ebb and flow on their own cycles. When those things add up though, sometimes life's challenges can seem insurmountable. Almost like a tidal wave of responsibilities and expectations, ready to knock you on your ass no matter how hard you try to stay on your feet. These are the times, when I need a meeting.

Last night, my Masonic District had our monthly Lodge of Instruction. Officers from around the district gather at one of our Lodges for a program assembled by our Grand Lodge. In the past, these programs have centered around a PowerPoint presentation, very similar to the presentation received the year before. Lately, however, the programs have become more interactive. Discussions of topics ranging from various interpretations of the circumpunct, to creating a value proposition for the Lodge. Last night's discussion was a great reflection on whether or not we were living up to the promise and ideals of Masonry. In the course of a few hours, I went from wondering how the world would be impacted if I simply drove into a telephone pole, to being excited about the prospects of our beloved Fraternity and its impact on our culture. None of my Brothers knew about my mental state walking into the meeting, but just by being there, by being my Brothers, they lifted me up yet again.

I'm not looking for a pitty-party, or any sympathy, with this paper. I have been incredibly fortunate in my life, and I fully understand that my trials are insignificant compared to many. However, I felt it important to tell this story for a couple of reasons. We all have our own struggles, and sometimes it can be really difficult to find a way out. Finding a meeting may help more than you know. Additionally, when you are sitting in Lodge, make that effort to reach out to a Brother. It doesn't have to be much…a simple handshake or compassionate smile may be all it takes to save a Brothers life.


Robert Edward Jackson is a Past and presiding Master of Montgomery Lodge located in Milford, MA. His Masonic lineage includes his Father (Robert Maitland), Grandfather (Maitland Garrecht), and Great Grandfather (Edward Henry Jackson), a founding member of Scarsdale Lodge #1094 in Scarsdale, NY. When not studying ritual, he's busy being a father to his three kids, a husband, Boy Scout Leader, and a network engineer to pay for it all. He can be reached at .

I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bill Hosler, PM

No matter how I struggle and strive 
I'll never get out of this world alive”-Hank Williams 

That line comes from a song my parents used to play on our record player at home many times throughout my youth entitled, “I’ll never get out of this world alive” by Hank Williams. The song which was written by Williams and his music publisher Frank Rose, a partner of Brother Roy Acuff, who was a member of East Nashville Lodge No. 560, Tennessee. Ironically the song was released after the death of Hank William who passed away on New Years Day in 1953. The song hit number one on the charts later that January.

When I was a child every morning seemed to start out the same way. From my bed I could tell it was 5:30 in the morning without an alarm clock, It didn’t matter what season of the year it was, the stillness of the morning would be shattered by the sound of my mother rattling the grates of the cook stove in the kitchen, preparing to build a fire to warm the house and later to make breakfast for the family.

The smell of coffee and wood smoke began to fill the whole house as the crackle of the fire inside the stove broke the stillness of the morning. My mother would take a cup of coffee and that days edition of the Journal Gazette newspaper and would start her morning ritual of reading the days obituaries.

She would joke about her routine by saying “Every morning I get up and read the obituaries and if my name isn’t printed inside then I get my day started.” Once she finished reading her paper and the contents of her coffee cup were gone she would put out the remainder of her unfinished Camel cigarette and depending on the time of year, mom would either put her cast iron frying pan to make our breakfast before she took us to school or perhaps start her day working in her quarter acre garden or canning and preserving the bounty the Grand Architect of the universe assisted her in growing. Mom worked hard her entire life until that day, March 21,1991, when she apparently did read her name in that newspaper, because she left us to reside in heaven. It was time for a rest after a long hard scramble life.

Maybe it’s my age but over the last year I’ve noticed the passing of friends, family and my Masonic Brethren. They've been shedding their mortal coils in a far greater number than I can ever remember in my life before this point. I don’t discover the demise of friends and Brethren from the newspaper like my mother did most of the time, I receive word through emails or through Facebook.

Sadly these deaths have made me reflect on my own situation. Now that I have reached my fifth decade. I've been fighting things like blindness and other physical maladies. I realize I am no longer the young man I once was. Don’t get me wrong, I am not calling it quits anytime soon but I am beginning to realize I am not immortal.

We all know the Craft does not say that our dogma will, if you practice and abide by our teachings assure your advancement to heaven or as we call it “The Grand Lodge Above” or “The Celestial Lodge”. Freemasonry is not, and never will be a religion. That is one reason why we expect members to possess a belief in a Supreme Being. But we do believe the teachings of Freemasonry will make you a better man, which should, if practiced correctly assist you with your journey to where you believe you will reside once you leave this earth. We may not be a religion but our Fraternity does teach us many things about death and mortality.

Freemasonry teaches us much about death, an exemplification of the symbolism which reminds us about our time on this earth and just how short it can be. 

It also teaches us, as it does in all of its teachings, that death is the one true way each one us us who travel on that level of time are truly on the level. Death doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t matter your age, your color, your sex, or the size of your bank account. You will not be spared. Death is the true “Grand Leveler”, as the rapper Apathy sings about. We are reminded about this fact through the symbology of the skull, that symbol that millennials find so fascinating.

Other symbols include the symbol of Father Time unraveling the ringlets of the hair of a maiden, a broken column to a single sprig of evergreen and many more I won’t mention here.

I like to believe as my personal faith teaches me, that all of these friends, family and Brethren whom I now mourn, are waiting for me in a place where there is no sorrow or pain. To stand in front of the Grand Architect of the Universe wearing my white leather apron to hear those words, “ Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” As we are told by the Senior Warden as my first apron was tied around my waist

In the end we are all just guessing about what lies before us. We all have our beliefs or faiths. One day we will finish walking, “that level of time to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns." We will know if we were right or if we were mistaken. All I know is I hope I can see my friends and hug my family and see if my mother's cooking is as good as I remember, before I sit down to spread some cement with some of my Brethren who I greatly miss.


WB Bill Hosler was made a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Indiana. He served as Worshipful Master in 2007 and became a member of the internet committee for Indiana's Grand Lodge. Bill is currently a member of Roff Lodge No. 169 in Roff Oklahoma and Lebanon Lodge No. 837 in Frisco,Texas. Bill is also a member of the Valley of Fort Wayne Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in Indiana. A typical active Freemason, Bill also served as the High Priest of Fort Wayne's Chapter of the York Rite No. 19 and was commander of of the Fort Wayne Commandery No. 4 of the Knight Templar. During all this he also served as the webmaster and magazine editor for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana.

I Spent the Night at the Valley of St. Louis...Alone

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Robert H. Johnson

Earlier this year I was asked if I was going to attend the Spring Reunion of the Valley of St. Louis in April 2018. I had to tell my good friends that because I was traveling to Ohio for a short speaking tour and also, that I was going to Masonic Con 2018 in that same month, it would be next to impossible. Just too much time away from home.

Fast forward a couple months, it's April and I'd just arrived in Ohio to speak at the beautiful Willoughby Chapter #231 when I received an email from Randy Davis, a brother I'd never met. He asked if I could come down to St. Louis to talk at the Grandmaster's Breakfast. I took a deep breath. I called my wife. I think she said something like, "You can't turn down a request from a Grand Master like that." So I emailed him back and said I'd be there.

We hammered out the logistics and it turns out this was the same weekend that the St Louis Reunion was happening. It looked as though I'd attend the reunion after all. I arrived on Friday evening, just in time to see an excellent portrayal of the 14th degree. I looked around the library and then went to my accommodations for the evening, the dormitory.

The Dorm

I first slept here a few years ago and I loved it. I highly recommend the experience of a dorm stay at a valley, whether it's St. Louis or Guthrie or wherever. Typically, at the Valley of St. Louis there are about thirty beds, which are all filled up. Guys come in on Friday, and stay the night and head home Saturday, unless you're me. I stayed over an additional night into Sunday.

Getting ready for a degree.

I was told it would be fine by the Valley Secretary, the always awesome, Ill. Bro. Bret Akers. I was then told that there would be Brothers at the Valley until late, like 2am or 3am to clean up after the Reunion for a dance show that's coming to the venue. So I went along about the day, attended degrees, and at 5pm, I departed for a dinner with the Grandmaster with my liaison, Randy Davis. During the dinner, gents kept telling me that I was crazy, that the Valley was haunted, when they heard I was staying the night alone. And even that should look out for, "the Green Man". Afterwards, Randy Davis dropped me back off at the Valley and I made myself at home in the dorm, all by myself.

A view standing outside the dorm, looking down the
hall at the other end. Yes, it's dark. 

I stayed up a little late. I think I closed my eyes around midnight. I woke up a few hours later around 2am and heard some old wooden soled shoes walking the halls and some clear voices talking about reimbursements or something of the like. I went back to bed. I woke the next morning and made my way to the Grandmaster's breakfast where I was to present.

Setting up for the Grandmasters Breakfast

Before the event really started, I saw my great friends Jacob Thompson and Randy Sanders. I walked over and said, "Good morning.",  and exchanged the usual pleasantries. Jacob asked how I slept and I told him that I slept very well. I informed him that I only woke up once and that I heard them talking about some stuff and making final rounds before leaving the building around 2am.

Jacob then told me, "We left at 11pm."


RWB, Robert Johnson is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master. He is also a Past District Deputy for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four, works full time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid home brewer. He is the co-author of "It's Business Time - Adapting a Corporate Path for Freemasonry" and is currently working on a book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

Join The Midnight Freemasons On A Roadtrip To Scotland and England

Left to right: Midnight Freemasons Senior Contributor Greg Knott, Managing Editor Robert Johnson, and Founder Todd E. Creason
Join Midnight Freemasons Greg Knott, Robert Johnson, and Todd E. Creason on a tour to the United Kingdom between September 12 - 22. The tour begins with several days in Edinburgh, Scotland before journeying through the English countryside to London, England.  This was a tour organized by a Master Mason for Freemasons, so there are a lot of events and locations that were scheduled because of their interest to Freemasons in particular.  We'll be visiting both the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the United Grand Lodge of England, and attending a Lodge meeting while we're there.  There's a link below to both a full itinerary of the trip and the registration page--but there is limited space and this trip is likely to fill up fast, so don't delay.

Robert Johnson is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog, and is from the 1st N. E. District of Illinois.  He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master.  He is also a Past District Deputy Grand Master for the 1st N. E. District of Illinois.  Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? and Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry.  He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show.  He is a husband and father of four, works full-time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid homer brewer.  He is currently working on a  book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

Greg Knott is the Senior Contributor at the Midnight Freemasons blog.  He is a Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No. 970 in St. Joseph (IL), and a plural member of Ogden Lodge No. 754, Homer Lodge No. 199, and Naval Lodge No. 4 in Washington, D.C.  He's a member of the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, Eastern Star, and is the Charter Secretary of the Illinois High Twelve Club No. 768 in Champaign-Urbana.  He is also a member of ANSAR Shrine (IL) and the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees.  Greg serves on the Board of Directors of The Masonic Society and is a member of the Scottish Rite Research Society and The Philalethes Society.He is a charter member of the a new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282 (IL) and serves as its Secretary.  Greg is very involved in Boy Scouts--an Eagle Scout himself, he is a member of the National Association of Masonic Scouters.

Todd E. Creason is the Founder of the Midnight Freemasons blog, and is an award winning author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series.  He is the author of the the From Labor To Refreshment blog.  He is a Past Master of both Homer Lodge No. 199 and Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL).  He is a a Past Sovereign Master of the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees.  he is a Fellow at the Missouri Lodge of Research (FMLR) and a charter member of the a new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282.  He is also a member of Tuscola Odd Fellows Lodge No. 316.

You can join us on the tour by registering HERE.  You can find a full itinerary of the trip HERE.  Don't wait too long to register--there is limited space available!  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to tour Scotland and England on a tour designed for Freemasons, so avoid future regret by booking early!  

Blue - It Isn't Immemorial

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Robert H. Johnson

Blue. Blue is a color we love in Freemasonry. We call our lodges "Blue Lodges", we use it in our symbolism and on the basis of our allegory which ties into the Old Testament, it was also a sacred color then. In a presentation I give, I refer to the color as relating to the sky, representing the idea of limitlessness and even universality. But while these ideas are seemingly immemorial, the color Blue is decidedly not. At least in terms of perception. What follows below is a paraphrasing of several articles I linked in the sources below and some of my own brief commentary.

It turns out that the color Blue is a recent "discovery" in terms of our ability to see it. But I guess, I should really say it's a recent "ability" we've been able to utilize. A fellow by the name of William Gladstone (1809-1898) made an interesting observation. In Homer's Odyssey, Homer never describes the water or the sea as, "Blue". Instead, he uses the term "wine-dark".

This is very curious indeed! Did humans adapt to the ability to see the color blue? Did the eye change? No, not really. It was always there, and we did see it, however, our brains did not discern it or distinguish it in any particular way. The evidence wasn't just brought forth by 19th-century Prime Minister Gladstone.

A short time later a gent who studied the origin of words, Mr. Lazarus Geiger analyzed the languages of Icelandic, Hindu, Chinese, Arabic, and Hebrew and confirmed, no mention of the word "Blue" in any of the earliest texts from these languages. The first society to actually mention the color as we know it didn't happen until the Egyptians, who had a dye to make the color.

Modern science has taken a look at this and arguably the best work on the topic comes from Dr. Jules Davidoff who is a Psychologist from London. He's figured that essentially, we just didn't recognize it until recent times. He conducted studies with remote cultures like the Himba Tribes in Namibia, who had many words for the color Green, but not one for "Blue". In fact, when shown a chart with many green squares and one that was blue, they couldn't pick out the blue one.

Wild? I'd say so. However, he also found that that same tribe could pick out a slightly different green square from the others and his participants here in the USA could not. It's a matter of perception. Recently MIT conducted a study and found that native Russians have no real word for Blue, but do have a word for "Light Blue" and "Dark Blue" further, these people can distinguish between shades of colors much faster than we can in the United States.

Reading all this, made me think about the sacred blue in the Hebrew tradition called "Tekhelet". The recipe for which has been lost to time, but reportedly was made from snails. I reached out to a few scholars on the matter inquiring that if Blue is so new, why do we have evidence of this ancient Blue in the Hebrew tradition? The answer? Simple. It's still relatively recent in terms of Homer and that ancient world. It came after the ability to recognize it which is what added to it's mystique.

Progress in Colour Studies: Volume II. Psychological aspects


RWB, Robert Johnson is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master. He is also a Past District Deputy for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four, works full time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid home brewer. He is currently working on a book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

BLASPHEMY - We are More than Masonic Education

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Steven L. Harrison, 33°, FMLR

Masonic education is all the rage with the crowd I run with; and this is, by the way, a good thing. I seem to hear more about Masonic education now than ever before ("ever before" being defined as since I joined the Craft 19 years ago).

We may not always stop to think that "Masonic education" is a broad term that can take many forms. It can be a deep, spiritual, esoteric subject that, frankly, sometimes winds up being over my head. Or it can be something lightweight – maybe an account of something a Brother did or even a funny anecdote. Usually the subject falls somewhere in between. Doesn't matter. Whatever form it takes, Masonic education is the hot topic du jour. Hallelujah. When we are new to the degrees and are asked what it is we want, we respond that we want light, and progressively more of it. In other words, our Masonic journey is a search for enlightenment; and the path for that journey is education. Keep it coming.

However, I hear a lot of dissent about some of the other things we do: "Oh, man, not another bean dinner," or "what's with all the service projects, what are we, the Rotary?" (No offense meant to the Rotary, a fine organization, but different than the Freemasons).

See, I like those things, too. The bean dinners, the meals before the meetings and all the social events give me a chance to get together with my Brothers and informally kick things around. Those conversations usually aren't very heavy but they're enjoyable. The social interaction we have with our Brothers is an important part of what our fraternity is. We don't want our organization to be all joking and no substance but I also wouldn't want to exclude it. All work and no play makes Hiram a dull boy.

Also, there are the service projects. In my area we help with the Child Identification Program (MoCHIP) which, in the past decade has helped return at least eight missing or abducted children to their homes, out of about a quarter million registered. We've assisted with disaster recovery and are currently helping my city build a playground for disabled kids. We are, by the way, way over our heads financially on that one, but we'll figure something out. All of these projects give the Brothers a sense of fulfillment. You know, it's the old, "it is better to give than receive" thing. Community service – let's have more of that, too.

So, recapping, when we get together as Brothers, we're doing a broad range of things: We have social interaction at our events; we help make our communities better places through our service projects; and we seek enlightenment.

Freemasonry needs all of these. In fact, couldn't we call our social interaction Brotherly Love, our community service Relief and our quest for enlightenment a search for Truth? Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Where have I heard that before?

We are more than Masonic education, and that is outright blasphemy to some. It shouldn't be. I suspect the emphasis behind Masonic education derives from the fact we sometimes make it the stepchild of our other activities. We have plenty of bean dinners and service projects but seem to fall short on Masonic education. Still, in a perfect world, we should clamor for social events and service projects just as loudly as for Masonic education. It's "Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth," not "Truth and whatever."

Maybe if our quest for Masonic Education is successful enough we can get to the point where we have to start emphasizing the other tenets: "More bean dinners!" Now that sounds like the ultimate blasphemy, doesn't it?


Bro. Steve Harrison, 33°, is Past Master of Liberty Lodge #31, Liberty, Missouri. He is also a Fellow and Past Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research. Among his other Masonic memberships are the St. Joseph Missouri Valley of the Scottish Rite, Liberty York Rite bodies, and Moila Shrine. He is also a member and Past Dean of the DeMolay Legion of Honor. Brother Harrison is a regular contributor to the Midnight Freemasons blog as well as several other Masonic publications. Brother Steve was Editor of the Missouri Freemason magazine for a decade and is a regular contributor to the Whence Came You podcast. Born in Indiana, he has a Master's Degree from Indiana University and is retired from a 35 year career in information technology. Steve and his wife Carolyn reside in northwest Missouri. He is the author of dozens of magazine articles and three books: Freemasonry Crosses the Mississippi, Freemasons — Tales From the Craft and Freemasons at Oak Island.

Being Relentless

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Robert H. Johnson

I guess I'm a pretty new Mason. Thinking about it in terms of years in, I have only nine or ten. It sounds like a lot of time and yet, when compared to others, well, I'm new. In my short time however, I've done a lot. I've travelled all over the country presenting educational topics on Masonry, I do a podcast, and I write. 

It seems likely that had I never become a Mason, I would have still been writing. I write for various magazines at times. But only here, in Freemasonry is the majority of my time spent. It's what keeps my mind moving. Sometimes I'm caught up on a bit of ritual. Sometimes it's how to fix something I feel is just completely backwards. Other times, it's like a tornado of process improvement stuff, as it relates to the fraternity. 

I have recently been faced with a dilemma. I usually am inspired to write when something bothers me. When something needs to be addressed. When I first joined I had fresh eyes. I saw things that were interesting, I wrote about it. I saw something I thought needed some light shed on it and I wrote about it. I used to harp endlessly about the need for education in lodges. And now, "I got notthin."

I kind of hate it. But the truth is, I would never criticize anyone who's trying. We don't critique someones diet when their trying to lose weight. We don't critique the drop out who's back in school. We don't talk down to the person who's trying to do better. And in that same vein, Masonry has seemed in most respects to finally be on boarding education. Enough people have stepped up to the plate and have realized that Masonic education is the only item that can engage membership once the degrees are over. 

I know some of you will say, social events and brotherhood and on and on. And whilst that's true, Masonic Education alone is the universal aspect, something we are supposed to provide which has a direct tie to engagement in our members. It's the point on which the active membership numbers balance. And you know what? Most Grand Lodges, subordinate lodges both small and large are beginning to provide this meaningful content. 

And for once, this loud mouth has nothing to whine about. No soap box. Nothing to say except, keep up the good work. I feel like for the first time that there are enough resources like Masonic blogs and podcasts, that it's now okay to not stress about it. For the first time, I know when I'm done, the mission is in good hands. Today there are more than SIXTY reputable Masonic blogs out there. Sites run by everyday masons, with no tie to a Grand Lodge or an agenda other than informing the fraternity and the profane with quality information and opinion. On the other side of the coin there are literally THIRTY Masonic podcasts out today! When I started there were four. Scott Blasken of The Digital Freemason, WCY (thats me), and two defunct shows which were no longer on air. 

You guys, we're killing it. Masonic Education, along with a focus on a quality Masonic experience that's more than frozen pizza and mundane business is the key. And we've discovered this. We're unlocking the doors. We're making a difference within. Fulfillment is the key. As Robert Herd once said, "When we fulfill our members, the members will fill the lodge." And before you think that this means twenty or more brothers is the goal here, it really isn't. The goal is a cadre of experienced, enlightened individuals working together to give each other the experience they've always wanted. To rejoice in the education and betterment of each other. If we have some fun along the way, so be it. 

One day, historians may look back on this era of the Craft and think to themselves, "That's when it happened. That's when membership declined to a point, stabilized and we see an uptick in longevity, fraternal success and community works." This is the crest of the bowl, brothers. We dipped so low and we've been rising. We're right there. Earlier in the text I said, "For the first time I know that when I'm done, the mission is in good hands." And even though I know that, I cannot be caught asleep at the wheel. I cannot stop providing this content, and neither can YOU. Education is hard and it's easy to quit. It's an uphill road and if we lay off the gas now, we'll roll backward. Don't let it happen on our watch. 

Keep pushing.


RWB, Robert Johnson is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master. He is also a Past District Deputy for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four, works full time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid home brewer. He is currently working on a book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

Fallen Idols

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bill Hosler, PM

I’m sure you have heard the old saying, “Don’t meet your idols because you will be greatly disappointed.” I’m sure the reasoning behind the saying is because you will meet them and realize this person you have grew to idolize is just another human being with flaws and imperfections just like the rest of us.

I learned this adage was true myself when I was given the opportunity to meet a national disc jokey I had listened to since my early teens. I listened to his show on the radio every night, rarely would I miss it I loved it because his show was so funny.

Every night he would interact with characters who would call into his radio show, and they would discuss make believe events that were happening in their lives. It was always funny. It was one of my first experiences with ”Theater of the mind”.

When I had the chance to meet the man in person I realized he was a very quiet man who was just playing a role on the radio. In real life he was nothing like the zany guy on the radio. I still listened to the show afterwards but it was never the same. Or, maybe I wasn’t the same because I didn’t have the same perspective of this man any longer. 

Recently I had a conversation with a Brother. He is the sitting Master of his lodge. We were discussing his year in the East. The poor guy was miserable. Besides the typical issues you encounter as a Master, his lodge was going through some unusual drama among the officers. He had been planning for this year for a while now and nothing was going the way he had planned it. I told him I felt for him because my year in the hot seat was pretty much the same way. I think most of us who have been there have felt something similar.

I could tell the part that bothered him the most was observing all the men who came before him in the East, who appeared comfortable in the job, calm cool and collected. They had it all together. But partly due to the previously mentioned drama many of these men were planning to quit the lodge or to just stop coming.

These Masters had assured him when it was his turn to sit in the Oriental chair they would be there to advise him and provide good and wholesome instruction. Sadly none of them fulfilled their promises to him and left him to “sink or swim” and he felt as though he was sinking. The poor guy felt abounded. “I really idolized these guys, Bill. How could they do this to me?”

I think most of us who have served their lodge as Master thought they had planned a foolproof year, little did I realize all of my “cunning plans” would fall apart like a cardboard suitcase within the first two months of my term. The rest of the year was pretty much a blur.

I have often said “Masonry is a perfect institution. What screws it up is when human beings are introduced into it.” I’m sure each one of those brothers he had idolized pretty much had the same troubles and trials as he did but the difference was, all he could see was the public persona they portrayed which gave the perception that all is well and under control.

It’s never easy to watch the idol you placed upon a pedestal fall to the ground and shatter before your eyes. But I believe if you look to someone for advice and inspiration because of their insight or experience they can be a wealth of information as long as you remember that these people are human beings and have flaws, fears and prejudices just like yourself and everyone else. Then they became role models, not idols.

Remember Brotherly advice is always a good thing. But always remember it’s just that: Advice. It’s not meant to replace your plan. That isn’t leadership, it’s just following someone else’s designs from their trestle board. Take what advice is given to you and use your experience and judgment to create your plan of action. 

One last thing. This is directed to the Brother who is the subject of this piece. I know you will read this. I want you to know I am proud of you for fulfilling your obligation to your lodge.

It would have been easy to just walk away from all the drama and non-Masonic incidents you've had to endure this year. But you stayed in placed and made the best out of a bad situation. I’m here for you if you need me and I want you to know if I were to have a “Masonic idol” it would be you. You have true Masonry in your heart and I think you should hold your head high. I’m proud of you. Thank you for your service to the Fraternity.


WB Bill Hosler was made a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Indiana. He served as Worshipful Master in 2007 and became a member of the internet committee for Indiana's Grand Lodge. Bill is currently a member of Roff Lodge No. 169 in Roff Oklahoma and Lebanon Lodge No. 837 in Frisco,Texas. Bill is also a member of the Valley of Fort Wayne Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in Indiana. A typical active Freemason, Bill also served as the High Priest of Fort Wayne's Chapter of the York Rite No. 19 and was commander of of the Fort Wayne Commandery No. 4 of the Knight Templar. During all this he also served as the webmaster and magazine editor for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana.

The Journey, Not Destination, of Masonry

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Robert Jackson

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ying and Yang. Good and evil. Democrats and Republicans. A.F and A.M. and F. and A.M. In New England, there is another division (not just Yankees and Red Sox), powerboat, or sailboat? One of the best descriptions I’ve heard to distinguish these groups are that with a powerboat, you have a destination. Point the boat and go there fast. With a sailboat, you have a destination, but how you get there includes a multitude of potential paths. With either method, currents, wind direction, landscape, all play an important factor. The need to adjust course is almost guaranteed.

Everything we do in life is a journey, especially Masonry. In many jurisdictions these days, you are pushed to the destination. Get through the degree. Multi-degree or degree festivals enable you to get through multiple degrees in one day. Much like formal education, if the diploma is given to you, you may have the credentials, but not the qualification. The recipient can then decide whether they want the check-box, or the education.

When I first told my father about the one-day classes…well, let’s just say he was not a fan. I can certainly understand his perspective, and I’ve met with many a Mason who would agree. However, I’ve known several men that have gone through the one-day class, and they remain to be great Masons. The difference is, these men went back to the work. They studied, learned, and internalized. They certainly didn’t have to, but they saw the value in understanding what they so wistfully went through. With these men, getting a new degree wasn’t the end, it was the foundation on which to build a greater understanding of themselves. The one-day class wasn’t necessarily a short-cut, it was just a different vehicle.

There is certainly a valid argument that proper preparation is needed for each degree. You need the time between the first and second degrees to internalize what you’ve learned. Only then can you be ready to ascend to the next level. When I took the degrees, there was one month between each degree, and I studied. It certainly wasn’t perfect, but I think I did pretty well in my own exemplification. Regardless of how well I knew that ritual, I knew nothing of Masonry or the degrees I was receiving. My own hoodwink wasn’t removed until many years later. I was given the vehicle, but I had no idea where I was going.

I still don’t know where I’m going, but I do know that I’m going somewhere, and the amount of data to consume and attempt to understand is greater than all of my formal education, combined! Freemasonry has taught me that there is always more to learn. Not just within our ritual. Not just within the seven liberal arts and sciences. And not just within our love of one another. With every passing day, hour, and minute…our brains receive another plethora of data points. What we do with that knowledge is the kicker. When the wind shifts or the tides change, the mariner must adjust his course. As we learn more about the craft and our Brothers, don’t be afraid to adjust the course. We may not end up at our original destination, but where we do end up may be more beautiful and amazing than we could have ever imagined the first time we heard those three very important words….’Who comes here?’


Robert Edward Jackson is a Past and presiding Master of Montgomery Lodge located in Milford, MA. His Masonic lineage includes his Father (Robert Maitland), Grandfather (Maitland Garrecht), and Great Grandfather (Edward Henry Jackson), a founding member of Scarsdale Lodge #1094 in Scarsdale, NY. When not studying ritual, he's busy being a father to his three kids, a husband, Boy Scout Leader, and a network engineer to pay for it all. He can be reached at .

The Millenial Generation: Seeking The "Authentic"

by Midnight Freemasons Founder
Todd E. Creason, 33°

We hosted a Masonic Education Symposium at my Lodge last weekend for the Illinois Lodge of Research.  One of the speakers we invited was a Past Noble Grand of the Odd Fellows, Ainslie Heilick, and something Ainslie said stuck with me.  Ainslie is what you would refer to as a member of the "millennial generation" and the work Ainslie and a group of predominantly millennial generation Odd Fellows have done building a new Odd Fellows Lodge in Tuscola, Illinois is simply remarkable--most of that group brand-new Odd Fellows members!  That is why we invited Ainslie to speak to begin with. 

You see, Freemasons and Odd Fellows alike aren't exactly sure what to make of the millennial generation.  We don't think they're interested in what we have to offer.  We believe they'd find our ritual too "old fashioned" and view our values as a relic left over from the long-forgotten past.  But that's not true at all.  Ainslie said the millennial generation is searching for authenticity.  They are seeking authentic experiences--something far more real than posting a photo on social media and seeing how many people "like" it

And if you think about it, I'll bet you come to the realization that this is absolutely true. 

Wicked Rascal Grooming Company proprietor (and Freemason) "Joe the Barber" on the right, and professional barber Alex on the left (Alex is such a good barber he even makes me look good).  Old school trained barbers that offer a far superior product, environment and experience than your typical assembly line shopping mall cutters. 
When this new barbershop opened in a small town near me, I figured it would appeal to guys my age and older.  This is a "real" barbershop, with a barber dressed in traditional dress.  The barbers have gone to barber school, not cosmetology college.  You get a haircut, maybe a shave with a straight edge razor if your feeling brave.  The whole hot towel, powder and tonic treatment--along with the conversation barbershops have been famous for since barbershops began.  It takes a lot longer to get a good haircut from a barber, and it costs a little more, but if you go once you won't be able to deny you get a far superior cut from a barber.   The quality of a barber haircut and the experience of going to a shop set up with relaxation and conversation in mind is something I've missed.  But it's something millennials never knew--and I'd say the vast majority of customers at my barbershop are millennials.  And Joe has opened two new barbershops since he opened the first one--the demand is there.  And they are busy--you better make an appointment a week ahead, because they're booked a week out usually.  Millennials don't mind paying a little more for something that takes longer so long as the experience is authentic and the quality is unmatched.  On that, we certainly agree.

Another example.  We have an annual event in a small town near me.  It started small and has ballooned into this huge event that brings in nearly 10,000 people in this very small, out-of-the-way town in central Illinois.  It's a festival that celebrates old fashioned sodas--many handcrafted, small batch, small bottlers.  Most of them made with natural ingredients, and with real cane sugar.  You've never tasted anything better on a hot day than an authentic cola made with real kola nut extract and cane sugar, or a handcrafted root beer made with real flavors like sassafras and sweetened with honey.  Hundreds of different kinds of sodas to taste--colas, root beers, ginger ales, orange, grape . . . you name it, and you'll find it in Homer, Illinois during the annual soda festival.  Again, for me, soda used to taste better than it does now, so it's a nostalgic trip down memory lane for me.  The millennials are there because again, they've never had that experience, and they realize soda can be so much better than the mass produced and bottled artificial flavors, corn syrup and carbonation you'll find on the shelf today. 

You want to talk about the popularity of craft beers and home brewing with millennials?  Same reasons.  They are seeking the real and the authentic--a quality some of us older guys remember, but that had left the stage long before they arrived on it.  Those of us who are 50+ remember a day when jeans lasted longer than six months.  When your t-shirts didn't start getting holes in them after the fourth wash.  Or when a new pair of glasses didn't break a month after you got them.  I'd like to see those days back, and I think the millennials just might be able to get that done. 

But don't get me wrong.  I was going somewhere with this.  You see, it's not just products millennials are seeking out to fulfill this desire for what is real and authentic.  They are looking for authenticity in their life experience as well.  They are looking for real connections in the world far beyond social media.  They are looking for a better way to live, and places where they can belong--places where they can learn to become better men, and they can learn about values that will enrich their lives.  Values that are genuine and applicable to their daily lives.  Moral teachings that are authentic and time honored.  Opportunities that offer them the ability to grown as individuals as they get involved in their communities and learn valuable skills in leadership. 

This is a small group from my Lodge, and one thing I've noticed is the range of ages of our active members--from early 20s through late 70s in this picture.  Freemasonry is without question appealing to younger men IF a mentoring environment exists in the Lodge.
Is there a better description of Freemasonry?  This is without question an opportunity for Freemasonry--but it's also a challenge.  We have to be ready to meet these expectations when these millennials petition.  In too many Lodges today, this kind of teaching/mentoring environment just doesn't exist.  I know very few Masons that don't have an example of "that young guy" that joined their Lodge, went through all three degrees, seemed very enthusiastic, came to a few meetings, and then never came back.  It should be easy to understand why . . . he didn't find what he expected to.  New member retention is a really good gauge of how your lodge is doing. 

We've really got to look at ourselves first.  What are we offering these young men?  What kinds of programs do we have that would appeal to them.  What is their expectation and are we prepared to meet it?  Are we ready to begin training and mentoring another generation of men?  What do we need to do to get back to our mission of making good men better?

There's a lot of work ahead perhaps.  But there are about 40 million undeniable reasons right here in the United States of America why this might be well worth doing.  We are exactly what they are looking for.  

Tried.  True.  Time tested. AUTHENTIC!


Todd E. Creason is an award winning author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series.  He is the author of the the From Labor To Refreshment blog.  He is a Past Master of both Homer Lodge No. 199 and Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL).  He is a a Past Sovereign Master of the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees.  he is a Fellow at the Missouri Lodge of Research (FMLR) and a charter member of the a new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282.  You can contact him at:

The Newport Tower: Two Theories

by Midnight Freemasons Guest Contributor
Bro. Travis Simpkins

Situated in Touro Park in Newport, Rhode Island, the structure referred to as the "Old Stone Mill" or more simply "The Newport Tower" has been a source of mystery, contention and debate for more than a few centuries. The Tower is seemingly older than the town, which was incorporated in 1639, and it was in ruins even in early Colonial times. Various theories have attempted to explain the origin and purpose of the Tower. The most common explanation is that what we see there is the remains of a 17th Century Colonial windmill. It has also been suggested that the Tower is several hundred years older and was constructed by the Vikings during one of their transatlantic voyages. Many additional conjectures, some more plausible than others, have been offered as well. All things considered, the true origin of the Tower remains unknown. 

I first encountered the Newport Tower in 2016. I was working on a series of portraits inspired by 19th Century “Gilded Age” historical figures and had traveled to Newport for a week to do research at the famously extravagant Newport Mansions. I had booked a room at the Hotel Viking on Bellevue Avenue, just around the corner from Touro Park. While out walking on my second morning there, I saw the Tower and was fascinated by how starkly it stood out from it's surroundings. It is a medieval-style stone structure in the midst of 18th and 19th Century wooden buildings. There was very little information about the Tower in the park itself, so I undertook some cursory research on my own. Looking further, I became overwhelmed with the many conflicting theories regarding who constructed the Tower and why. Some of the ideas were very far-fetched, and I immediately saw how the subject might be considered poison to mainstream academic historians. However, I noted two carefully conceived theories, both equally interesting and no less controversial, which have become topics of interest for Masonic studies and lectures in recent years. 

Several authors, including Tim Wallace-Murphy, David S. Brody and Scott Wolter have theorized that the Tower was constructed in 1398 by Scottish nobleman Prince Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney (1345-1400?). The scenario suggests that Sinclair, along with remnants of the Knights Templar, used an old Viking map to island hop across the North Atlantic. They made landfall in present day Nova Scotia and journeyed down the east coast. In the area of what is now the town of Westford in Massachusetts, one of the party died and was memorialized by a carved effigy on a nearby rock ledge. This carving, of which only the sword is visible now, is commonly referred to as the “Westford Knight.” Sinclair then ventured further south and constructed the Tower to serve as a multi-purpose monument, observatory and navigational beacon overlooking Narragansett Bay. Henry Sinclair's grandson, William Sinclair, further memorialized the Pre-Columbian voyage in the cryptic carvings of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland half a century later. Much of the foundation of this theory relates to the style of stonework construction used in building the Newport Tower, which is strikingly reminiscent of structures still standing in Henry Sinclair's homeland of the Orkney Islands. It also has simlarities to the many “round” buildings known to be constructed by the Templars. Freemasons in Rhode Island are naturally intrigued by this possible Templar connection and at least one Commandery incorporated the Newport Tower into the design of their pocket jewel. I'm sure the Brethren at the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island have valuable information on the subject as well. 

Taking a different view, the work of researcher Jim Egan argues that the Tower was constructed in 1583, based on the design and specifications of Dr. John Dee (1527-1609). John Dee was an all-around Renaissance Man. In addition to being a mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, alchemist and Hermetic philosopher, he was also a key advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. Egan's theory maintains that the Tower's rough stonework was originally covered in plaster (some of which is still visible) and various decorative ornaments. It served as a testament to the Enlightenment and was intended to be a welcoming monument for the first great Elizabethan colony in America. Wars, interior conflicts and other circumstances in England took priority, however, and the Tower was abandoned and forgotten when full colonization became delayed. Egan states that the Tower is in fact a horologium, a building that keeps track of time, and he has demonstrated various precise solar and lunar alignments which happen through the Tower's windows every year like clockwork. He further states that the mathematical proportions of the Tower are based on John Dee's well-known “Monas Hieroglyphica” symbol. In addition to the astronomical and numerical elements, his theory is further evidenced in old maps, which refer to present day Narragansett Bay as the “John Dee River.” Freemasons and other Esoteric minded individuals are now flocking to the Tower each year on the summer and winter solstices to see the impressive illuminations. 

Two different theories, four authors mentioned. As I understand, David S. Brody, Scott Wolter, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Jim Egan are all available for presentations at Masonic Lodges if you're interested in learning more (Wolter and Wallace-Murphy are Masons, Brody and Egan are not). I've just summarized their findings here, obviously, and I'm sure I've left out some of what they consider to be the decisive points in their arguments. I've purposely avoided offering my opinion (for that's all it is) of the origin of the Newport Tower, instead just briefly pointing out the basics of these two ideas, trusting that readers will look for further information and reach their own conclusions... perhaps even discover new evidence to support an entirely different theory regarding this fascinating and enduring mystery. - TS Travis Simpkins is a freelance artist with clients throughout the United States and Europe. He currently works on projects for the Supreme Council, 33°, NMJ in Lexington, Massachusetts. He also serves as a portrait artist for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Grand Lodge of New Jersey and other jurisdictions across North America. His artwork is in many esteemed collections, including the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum in Independence, Missouri. Bro. Simpkins is a member of Morning Star Lodge A.F. & A.M. in Worcester, Massachusetts. He is a 32° Mason in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite- Valleys of Worcester and Boston. He is also a member of Eureka Royal Arch Chapter, Hiram Council of Royal & Select Master Masons and Worcester County Commandery No. 5, Knights Templar. 


Travis Simpkins is a freelance artist with clients throughout the United States and Europe. He currently works on projects for the Supreme Council, 33°, NMJ in Lexington, Massachusetts. He also serves as a portrait artist for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Grand Lodge of New Jersey and other jurisdictions across North America. His artwork is in many esteemed collections, including the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum in Independence, Missouri. His memberships also include being a member of Morning Star Lodge A.F. & A.M. in Worcester, Massachusetts. He is a 32°  Mason in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite- Valleys of Worcester and Boston. He is also a member of  Eureka Royal Arch Chapter, Hiram Council of Royal & Select Master Masons and Worcester County Commandery No. 5, Knights Templar.