To Reinvest Or Start Anew?

by Midnight Freemason Contributor 
Robert H. Johnson

Today's article is not an article really, it's a question. I hope you all decide to voice your insights either below in the comments or on social media. Over the years we've heard countless folks talk about the benefits of an active lodge, but how do we get there? Many times lodges are in bad shape, financially and often times worse, with active membership. This can lead a man to view his membership with the specific lodge as unfulfilling, boring or even disdain.

Now, consider yourself the active member who still wants Freemasonry in his life. The question is put to us, what do we do when we decide that we still want to be active? We still want to enjoy those things that [our brand] of Masonry offers, whether it be a focus on some aspect of community, charity, education or perhaps fellowship. But where are we going to get it?

We have a few options. First, we can look for a lodge that exists which is doing what we want. This sounds easy, but maybe it isn't. Survey the lodges around you, are they really everything you want and nothing you don't? Maybe they are, and if so, you're done reading this article.

Our second option is the reinvention model. You're going to start a new lodge. Alright, well maybe not yet. It's been suggested by many that instead of getting everything together and chartering a new lodge, that we should instead look for a lodge that is in the dumps and take it over. Reinvigorate it, reinvent it. Is this for you? Will it work? Maybe the existing members will welcome this and it will work out perfectly... Or, it could be messy. We'll have a lot to clean up. Is this too much work for us? Maybe we love a challenge.

Of course the third option is to just start a new lodge. Write some bylaws, get some guys together, figure out where you will meet, get certified on ritual  and fill out the paperwork. Sounds easy enough but don't forget all the other hard work here. Gathering furniture, administrative work and red tape.

What's the best option?

I recently had a chance to ask a Grand Secretary about what he thought about new lodges, and if there is an impact for the better in terms of membership numbers and his answer surprised me. He offered me some thoughts on what the numbers prove in terms of new lodges. He said, "What we see when a new lodge is formed, is additional plural memberships and then sometime down the road, there is a dimit from the mother lodge and the guy maintains only a membership with the new lodge."

I hadn't thought of that. Membership numbers is not what this post is about, but perhaps if you were in the line of thinking about starting a lodge simply to boost membership numbers in the state, maybe that's not the right idea. The Grand Lodge of California has made it pretty simple to start a lodge, but the availability of the data on whether or not it seems to work is likely a few years away. It would be interesting to see if this model keeps members engaged, recruiting and active, thus sustaining what the members got together for in the first place. I'd like to leave you all with my final thought on the matter, and if you read my last piece, you'll know what to expect here. If we're doing any of the things outlined above, we really should be doing it for one reason, your own fulfillment.

So what say you? Do you reinvest, or do you start anew?


RWB, Robert Johnson is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master. He is also a Past District Deputy for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four, works full time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid home brewer. He is the co-author of "It's Business Time - Adapting a Corporate Path for Freemasonry" and is currently working on a book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

Impact of War – Part 1

by Midnight Freemason Senior Contributor
WB Greg Knott

Word War 1 Soldiers 1

One hundred years ago the world was at war. Known as the Great War or the War to End All Wars, World War I (WWI) began after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand[i] of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Germany declared war on Russia and soon other countries also declared war on Germany including France, Great Britain and Italy.

The United States initially stayed out of the war, pursing a policy of non-intervention. The 1915 sinking of the British liner RMS Lusitania by a German U-boat, saw 128 American amongst the dead. President Woodrow Wilson demanded the Germans end the attacks on passenger ships. The Germans ignored this request and the U-boat attacks continued.

Ultimately the US would enter the conflict after Wilson called for war on Germany on April 2, 1917[ii]. Congress approved the request four days later. Though Wilson was generally not favorable to war, he saw the opportunity to end all future war by defeating the Germans. America quickly scaled up its military and began a mobilization to confront the Germans in Europe.

Freemasonry was an active supporter of America’s cause and helped contribute supplies and funds to help the war effort.

In his 1918 report at the Seventy-Ninth annual[iii] meeting of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Illinois, Brother Austin H. Scrogin, serving as Grand Master wrote: “In this great work Masonry has no small part. Members of lodges in vast numbers have joined the colors and are, either “over there” or are in camps training for overseas service. It has been my great privilege to loosen the rains, heretofore firmly held, and my dispensation enable many soldier boys to bow at our altar before embarking on their great missions abroad. Masonry in Illinois and elsewhere has shown its devotion to freedom’s cause in provide large funds by free and voluntary contribution for the comfort of those in the camps here, those in need abroad and to care for their loved ones left behind…”

Illinois Freemasonry was clearly supporting the troops and war efforts.

Grand Master Scrogin had numerous challenges of his own back on the home front in Illinois. He reported that several lodges were encouraging the recognition of Grand Orient of France. He reminded the constituent lodges, that however noble the cause was in supporting the French lodges, only the Grand East had the authority for such recognition. Brethren and lodges should not be entering into a campaign for any reason not endorsed and approved by the Grand Master.

Scrogin wrote “It will be recalled that under the wise leadership of Joseph Robbins, the profoundest Masonic jurist and scholar Illinois has ever produced, the hand of fellowship was withdrawn from the Grand Orient as well as the Grand Lodge of France. This was not done in any fit of anger, but action was taken after due deliberation and most thorough investigation. There are certain landmarks or fundamental principles which, if removed, would render Masonry innocuous. It would become a purely benevolent and social association of men merely for pleasure and good fellowship…”

The land mark Scrogin was referring to is the requirement of a belief in a supreme being. French Freemasonry had dropped the requirement in 1877. The French lodges also did not place a bible upon their altar, instead using a book of constitutions.

The Grand Master of Illinois understood that patriotism and the need to support the French people in time of war was important, but not so much as to ignore one of the fundamental principles of Freemasonry. Apparently, some brethren were looking to bring Masonic charges against those proposing recognition. But Scrogin deferred any action saying[iv], “It is my suggestion, therefore, that action be deferred until the calmer counsels of peace may lead us into safer channels that those to be found in the vortex of war.”

These weren’t the only things that Grand Master Scrogin was facing. In the next installment I will review a number of other actions and recommendations he made that are impacting Freemasonry in Illinois to this day.


WB Gregory J. Knott is the Worshipful Master of Ogden Lodge No. 754 in Ogden (IL) and a plural member of St. Joseph Lodge No. 970 (IL), Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL) and Naval Lodge No. 4 in Washington, DC.


[i] “Educate Home - World War I Centennial.” Finding The Lost Battalion - Home - World War I Centennial, World War 1 Centennial Commision,
[ii] Stables, Gordon. “1917: Woodrow Wilson's Call to War Pulled America onto a Global Stage.”The Conversation, The Conversation, 24 June 2018,
[iii] Scrogin, Austin H. Proceedings of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Illinois. Vol. 79, Grand Lodge of Illinois, 1918.
[iv] Ibid

That Which Has Been Lost - Laws, Rules and Regulations

Part 2
by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bill Hosler, PM


Recently I published a piece in which I laidout my belief that we who are in pursuit of Masonic education have forgotten to educate newly obligated Brethren on the basics of Masonic membership and my theory on how we came to our present situation.  This is the second installment. You can read the first part HERE.

In the original piece I was going to write was about how one dresses while attending lodge meetings. As part of the research I asked a question in a Facebook group.  I even gave an example of what I was searching for from my jurisdiction.  The debate from my question went in every direction (except for answering my question.) It became very heated.  I realized even though my question brought about a lot of debate, very few Brethren understood my question.

Although as important as the subject, is it has been debated over and over to the point it has almost has become the infamous debate that stemmed from “Points in or out” article from a few years ago.  So although I reserve the right to throw gas on that fire at a future date I went to discuss something I felt was more important.

During the dress argument, a Senior Warden of a lodge stated that during his year he isn’t going to enforce the dress of his members while attending lodge events. “I don’t have the right to tell members how to dress.”, he stated. I’m sorry Brother, but that isn’t correct. 

Even before you become a Mason you are asked many times if you will (paraphrasing) “cheerfully conform and submit to the laws of Freemasonry." You also agree during your obligation that you'll follow all laws, rules, and regulations of a lodge of (Whatever degree you were receiving).  In plain English, “If you want to play our game, you have to play by the rules we've set up.”  In many cases this includes how your lodge chooses to direct you to dress while attending a lodge communication. So Brother, yes you do have the authority to instruct a Brother how to dress when coming to lodge.  

I have come to believe many Brothers within our fraternity are not aware their grand jurisdiction have put in place many rules (in Masonic circle called laws), which govern their day to day life.  

All you have to do is pick up your jurisdiction’s book of Masonic laws. I think you'd be surprised at some of the laws on the books and possibly how many of these laws you might accidentally break during the course of your daily life, through ignorance.  

Many of the laws lay out the functions of the Grand Lodge, the officers and their responsibilities.  Other sections layout rules for subordinate lodges which they govern.  Others still enumerate the laws and personal responsibilities of the individual Mason within the jurisdiction.

I have gathered some laws which are actually on the books from several jurisdictions. Some of the laws are common sense.  

It is a Masonic offense in one jurisdiction to: 
“...wear a Masonic emblem, or otherwise claim to be a Master Mason in good standing while an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft Mason, a suspended or expelled Mason, or a Mason unaffiliated for more than one year.”


“Failure of an officer of a Lodge to settle and to return his books over to it at the proper time, or failure to perform with fidelity a duty as an officer of a Lodge or of the Grand Lodge.”

“Using Masonic membership for commercial purposes.”

There are others laws which govern your daily life.  Here are some examples from various states:

“Failure to support defendants is unmasonic. It  shall be  the  duty of  every  Master Mason  to  provide his  minor children, his father and his mother with the necessities of life to the extent that they will not become a charge of the lodge”.


Masonic offenses:


“Gambling, in any amount or at any time, which may unreasonably impair one’s ability to support himself or those having prior claims upon him, or which causes a discredit to the brother or to the fraternity.” 

“Profanity or the habitual use of obscene and filthy speech.”


“To promote or encourage the production, distribution or use of obscene films, pictures or writings”
Or one which has brought about much controversy in the last few years from the Grand Lodge of Tennesse:
 “To engage in lewd conduct. To promote or engage in homosexual activity. To cohabit immorally in a situation without the benefit of marriage.”

There are many more.  If you look, you will notice some have been in place for many years, decades even. I want to state I am not saying I agree or disagree with any of the above Masonic laws,  I am just submitting them as examples to illustrate my point.

In my opinion, you can look at these laws in several different ways. If you totally disagree with a particular law you can work through the legislative process of your Grand Lodge to change a law you disagree with.  

You might also look at these laws and you might find one of them bring to your attention something you do in your daily life that you aren’t proud of.  It might be like tossing some cold water in the face, a wake up call. 

You can also demit from the Fraternity.  (I don’t suggest this one.) 

But one thing you cannot do Brother, is ignore the lawyers of your Masonic jurisdiction.  It is very possible it could lead to suspension or expulsion.  

Just like in every other part of your life there are rules you have to live and abide by. Whether you are at work, playing in a softball league or living as a citizen of your country, there will always be laws and like it has been since the days of the laws of the Romans “Ignorantia juris non excusat”. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Take notice, govern yourself accordingly Brethren.
WB Bill Hosler was made a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Indiana. He served as Worshipful Master in 2007 and became a member of the internet committee for Indiana's Grand Lodge. Bill is currently a member of Roff Lodge No. 169 in Roff Oklahoma and Lebanon Lodge No. 837 in Frisco,Texas. Bill is also a member of the Valley of Fort Wayne Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in Indiana. A typical active Freemason, Bill also served as the High Priest of Fort Wayne's Chapter of the York Rite No. 19 and was commander of of the Fort Wayne Commandery No. 4 of the Knight Templar. During all this he also served as the webmaster and magazine editor for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana.

If Not Us Then Who?

by Senior Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Gregory J. Knott

The Scoutmaster by Norman Rockwell

Midnight Freemasons Editor Robert Johnson, recently wrote an outstanding piece titled “Shadows Burned Onto the Walls – Addressing Freemasonry’s Biggest Problems”. This article expressed in very clear terms the thoughts and concerns that I and so many other brethren have had over the years. If you have not read this article, stop reading now, click on the link above and go read it. Seriously.

If you are like me, the article left me shaking my head and thinking “yes this is spot on”. Brother Johnson ends the article with some very frank and wise words about what is needed in this fraternity:

“If we don’t work to make our experience better, to get ourselves in the seats, to read the books, to bring those things to the lodge, to make men better, it’s going to continue to be an empty experience both literally and figuratively. We gaze at the shadows of the great fraternity, burned into the walls with wonder. Like an archaeologist looks upon the dead language, we are reminded that while we respect the past, we cannot be a slave to what was. It’s time to work harder on what you want.”

Let me reflect further on Brother Johnson’s conclusions. I have been in the fraternity since 2007. In that 10 plus years, I have been extremely active, joined numerous masonic bodies, served as Worshipful Master of a lodge, brought one lodge back from the verge of extinction and helped charter two new masonic bodies a High Twelve club and a new Royal Arch chapter. I received the Mason of the Year award from the Valley of Danville (IL) in 2015.

I don’t list all these activities to brag on myself, but merely to illustrate that I have been an active mason. But I must be honest, there have been numerous times that I have wondered, why bother anymore? There are many ways to spend my time and I am active in numerous other organizations including serving as an elected community college trustee, attending my sons track meets and my long-time passion, being a scout leader. If others don’t care about masonry then why should I?

But then I pause and think about the impact we are making. I recently met with two Fellowcraft masons and worked with them on learning their catechism. They were nervous, but excited about joining the craft and progressing through the degrees. In that short meeting we had, they did nicely on learning their work and are ready to prove up at the next lodge meeting. It left me thinking, perhaps I was making a small impact on their lives. Helping them develop themselves into better men by understanding what our fraternity stands for and giving them a framework for self-improvement.

I do not have the answers for what the long-term solutions are for building this fraternity and ultimately building better men. But I do know this, if someone doesn’t work on it, or more precisely if WE don’t work on it, then who will?

Honestly, what keeps me motivated and an active freemason are the men like the contributors here at the Midnight Freemasons, individuals like Brothers Denver R. Phelps and Stephen C. Hooper of my home lodge Ogden No. 754 (IL) and countless others who put in their time and effort to make freemasonry happen.

In many ways it is like the efforts I put into Scouting. I don’t see the full return today, but I know somewhere down the road, what we are doing in Scouting will make a difference. I think back to the men who stepped up to be my scout leaders. Many of them have passed away. But in their day, they put in countless hundreds of hours to ensure that myself and all other fellow scouts had opportunities to grow and learn. Ultimately, I earned my Eagle Scout badge in 1981 and it was a special honor. Clearly however, as a 15-year-old I did not understand the full impact of what scouting had given me.

37 years later being an Eagle Scout, means much more to me today than it did then. Not because of the badge or the Eagle Scout medal, but because of the life lessons and core values which have helped shaped my life and ultimately who I am. This was made possible because of those volunteers that came every week to ensure that we could have a troop meeting, a campout or canoe trip.

I believe that freemasonry operates in much the same way. The time spent working with a brother on a catechism, playing a part in a degree, reading some of great works of masonic authors or providing some lodge education at a meeting might not yield an immediate return on our time investment. But we keep working in the quarries because we have the hope and knowledge that what we are doing will make a difference down the road on improving our individual lives and the lives of our brethren.

Let me close by saying this, what we do matters. Our impact is real. The values we stand for are timeless and needed by society more than at any point time in our history. We should not rest on our magnificent history or laurels of the past. Freemasonry is about building for the future.

If you won’t step up, who will? If not us then who?


WB Gregory J. Knott is the Worshipful Master of Ogden Lodge No. 754 in Ogden (IL) and a plural member of St. Joseph Lodge No. 970 (IL), Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL) and Naval Lodge No. 4 in Washington, DC.

That Which Has Been Lost - The Basics

Part One

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bill Hosler, PM

Recently I was trying to research a paper that I was writing. I was trying to gather information from the brethren on a Masonic Facebook group. I posted a request for examples from their Grand Lodge Jurisdictions which legislate their personal life. I even gave an example from my ow jurisdiction.

It may have been my fault, as how I phrased my question but very few of the members knew or understood what I was asking for. I realized I had uncovered what Masonry has lost: The basics of Masonic membership.

Over the last half century or more,  in the search for new members and even higher membership numbers, we've neglected to educate our newly obligated brethren with the fundamentals.

We might teach them the lectures (the words anyway, not what the lectures mean) or not to walk between the East and the altar while lodge is open, or the importance of holding a rod as a Steward or Deacon before we sit them down and start to put them to sleep with the monotone of minutes and the arguing of the price of toilet paper in 1967. But sadly, for many members this is pretty much all they are taught until they are elected Worshipful Master, when the chorus of  “You're doing it wrong.” is sung from the north side of the lodge room. Sadly, I realized I am as guilty as the rest of the fraternity, including my fellow Masonic writers.

Most of us, when we write about Masonic education, we rightly discuss the esoteric and symbols of Masonic history. All of which are great to learn and much like the basics, are non-existent in many lodges these days. But we often make a crucial mistake, we don't make sure the brother has a solid foundation first.

When I submitted my petition I started to be mentored by a Brother who was a 25 Year member of his lodge. He always informed me on how things in lodges worked. Nearly everything I was told was passed down to him by a long departed brother who had been secretary of his lodge. Each time the brother would mention the secretary by name it was like he stood a bit more erect, almost at attention, and with a glint in his eye and reverence in his voice he would say the mans name which almost sounded like angels singing. (I swear I heard harps as white doves flew from the Heavens.). The only problem was everything this Secretary told him was dead wrong.

I have encountered this several times among some older members. The secretary of their lodge, or someone who wanted things done their way, would give these brethren instructions and since they weren’t encouraged to read or study Masonic education, it just stuck.

It began, in my opinion, at the beginning of the Masonic ignorance of several of our generations of members. Members were brought in and they were given what information their mentor wanted them to know and then,  sent them on their merry way. Usually that was enough for the usual “Knife and fork” Mason who came for a free mean when the lodge had a function.

If the man wanted to be an officer of the lodge the Secretary would give him further instruction and continued to run the lodge as he saw fit, no matter who sat in the East. If the new Master wanted to do something different he was told about the long and hard process of changing the lodge’s bylaws or the brother was told, “Well you know Grand Lodge will never allow that.” Sound familiar? If the Master questioned the brother, he was referred to the Past Masters who parroted what the Secretary told them during their year.

Sadly, I also believe this has caused many of our issues among the generations within our Fraternity. For decades this secretary’s doctrine passed from one year to another until these urban legends have taken on a life of their own.

These doctrines worked well until the recent Masonic renaissance began about a decade ago when men who have educated themselves by reading the classics and spread light amongst the younger brethren. They began to question these old “truths” which have been passed down. Older men who have been confronted with challenges to what they had believed for a lifetime are being told they're wrong by men who are the same  age of their Grandchildren. They become incensed, angered and threatened. To be honest I understand it, and I would be angered to.

So in my next few articles, I am going to try to at least lay out a basic primer on Masonic Education which I hope will better prepare a new member on his journey in Masonry.


WB Bill Hosler was made a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Indiana. He served as Worshipful Master in 2007 and became a member of the internet committee for Indiana's Grand Lodge. Bill is currently a member of Roff Lodge No. 169 in Roff Oklahoma and Lebanon Lodge No. 837 in Frisco,Texas. Bill is also a member of the Valley of Fort Wayne Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in Indiana. A typical active Freemason, Bill also served as the High Priest of Fort Wayne's Chapter of the York Rite No. 19 and was commander of of the Fort Wayne Commandery No. 4 of the Knight Templar. During all this he also served as the webmaster and magazine editor for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana.

Shadows Burned Onto the Walls - Addressing Freemasonry's Biggest Problem

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Robert H. Johnson

Freemasonry is a wonderful organization. It’s members hold it to the highest regard. Whether active in all things Masonic or simply a man who receives the degrees and caries his dues card around for the rest of his life without attending another degree or meeting, we value the membership. At the thought of getting suspended for non-payment of dues (NPD), we pay a forgotten invoice. At the thought of closing the temple, we rally to fund-raise. When confronted with facts regarding the organization's declination, we hold endless dialogue until we all feel good and convinced about our future, our current action and our past choices.

Today, Freemasonry claims 1.1 Million Members (MSA N. America). A mere 50 years ago, we had almost five times the membership. This speech isn’t intended to cover or rationalize the dwindling membership. We know the reasons. Definitively, we gained members who valued something the fraternity had, a social aspect, a gathering place, which was a rare occurrence in the linear progression of time, that is, it aligned with the societal norms of the day. Have no fear, just like styles go through cycles, so do societies trends in some ways. We will again see uptick in membership, someday.

More to the point, this fraternity, which boasts a membership that loves itself so much, that would seemingly do anything for the Craft, has for all of this grandeur in the mind, empty lodges, empty participation, and empty sidelines. There are arguments for why this is -- fulfillment being one. But this is still not what I am referring to. We have, even in the ranks of the craft a general issue of participation.

A lodge meets for business on a summer meeting, a rarity since it usually goes dark this time of year. The Worshipful Master called a special meeting to discuss finances, come up with a way to raise funds and collect volunteers. Men show up, they even come out of the woodwork, as it was unusual for the Master to call such a meeting. It must be important. The members heard the report, they were roused.

A date was picked. An event was planned and volunteers were gathered and assigned duties However this was not without the Master having to ask men sitting in the lodge if they would assist. This should have been a red flag. But it wasn’t. Fast forward a few months. Calls, emails and communications regarding the event were received by all.

It’s the morning of the event. A bit foggy outside, but warm. The Master pulls into the parking lot. Empty. It’s early yet, they’ll trickle in. He walks to the door, unlocks it and wanders inside. He hits the lights, turns on the coffee and heads back out to the car to grab the box of donuts and treats he purchased to feed his volunteers.

The Master then begins to set up the lodge for the event. He re-positions tables, pulls out a few more since he is expecting a crowd. He sets up the lodge for anyone who wants a tour and before you know it, it’s been an hour. The event is set to start soon. Just then, a member walks through the front door. It’s not one of the volunteers, but a member of the lodge and decides to see what he can do to assist. The Master has the brother wander around and just straighten up the place a bit. Another hour passes. No one has come. The Master makes several phone calls to his officers. He leaves voicemails, gets hung up on by full mailboxes and those he did get ahold of, well it turns out they can’t make it due to some family event. The Master sat down, took a breath. Just then, the other brother who had shown up earlier announced he had to take off, but wished the lodge luck on the day’s event.

The front door to the lodge closed as the Master sat there in his chair, not even touching the coffee he poured. He stood up, walked to the front door, locked it. He walked back to the kitchen, dumped the coffee, gathered his items and left for home. The donuts left on the counter, likely to be eaten by the members at the next meeting if the mice don’t get to them first. On the drive home the Master felt a sense of something that had been growing. He had many questions come into his mind.

Where was everyone? Why didn’t they come? Why did they say they would be here if they couldn’t? Why did this always happen? And maybe most importantly, why was he still surprised by the turnout?

A few hours later, a man pulled into the parking lot of the lodge. He had read about an event at the local lodge. He was interested in joining and thought this was a great chance to get some information so he decided to work it into his day before grabbing some lunch with his family. The family waited in the car as the man walked to the door of the lodge. From the parking lot, the lodge looked closed and the lot was also curiously devoid of cars. But, there was a parking garage and so perhaps that’s where everyone parked.

The man got to the door, gave a gander inside through the glass windows. No lights. No noise. No one. It was empty. The lodge was closed. The man thought he must have missed it. Maybe it was a different day. He checked Facebook. No, today was the day of the event. It should be open right now. He turned and headed back to the car. As the man strapped on his seat belt, his wife asked him what was wrong. The man simply declared, no one was there and drove his family to lunch.

When things like this happen, we think about so many things. We condemn it. We justify it. We go the rounds month after month and wonder what the magic formula is which might offer some form of menial success. At first our leadership tends to become upset at the men who seemingly shirked in their duty to the lodge. After some years, this same scenario can play out and instead of anger, we justify the action of non-participation. We chalk it up to, “Family first” or the volunteer mentality. We then come back to square one and ask ourselves why this is.

Ultimately, we find that this may actually be as it has always been. One hears of the glory day of Freemasonry, when fifty or more men would show up to dinner, when the wives had an auxiliary and made the meals, served dinner and played cards whilst the men were in the meetings. The kids were in the parlor, talking about DeMolay, Rainbow or Job’s Daughters. But this truly is a myth, while it may have happened once in a while, it was certainly never the norm. One need only pull out the minute books and count the signatures to verify this.

When we look into Freemasonry, many of us want to find a cure for what is ailing this beloved Craft. But what exactly is ailing us? Is it laziness? It it apathy? Is it a sense of worthlessness? Maybe it’s all of these things.

In an organization that’s been built over the last 70 years to sustain a massive membership, it’s no secret that the sheer amount of members we had were not all truly interested in what Masonry is supposed to be. That continuity between the social trend and something Masonry offered, opened the doors and those doors were never truly closed again. We’ve initiated many men who had no idea what they were joining. A fact that was confirmed by the Grand Lodge of Colorado in the 1990s. Results came in from a survey they sent out to all those who were suspended for NPD.

The more men we let in, the more possibility for failure exists. This is simple probability. The more members we have, the greater probability that our lodges are flooded with men who are not truly committed in the way we want them to be. We’ve lost nearly ⅘ of who we were. I, myself have justified this in terms of what I call refinement. I and many have called attention to the fact that we’re measuring ourselves to a false standard. Something that was not the norm and while the fact of membership numbers can be shown to us, the myth of epic participation haunts us still.

Are our members lazy? All too often our members will confirm that they will be at an event. They will tell us how excited they are, and when we’re setting up for the event, when we’re bringing in the donuts and putting on the coffee, we notice no one is coming. We check Facebook and see those same excited members posting about going to the gym, waking up late or some other family event. Begin the cycle outlined in the above narrative.

We might inquire with this member why he didn’t show up. The answer is all to often, that they forgot. We ask ourselves again, “How do you forget? It’s on social media, we did a call, you RSVP’d via social media, which means it’s on your calendar, the phone even alerts you the night before the event!” But we dare not press the issue for fear of being unbrotherly. We are after all, family first and they are volunteers.

Are we apathetic? In the beginning? No. As a seasoned Masonic Veteran? Absolutely. When we use terms like “Veteran”, it typically conjures imagery in our minds of a man who’s spent tens of years completing tasks, pulling his weight, making it happen, whatever it was, no matter what. A breast filled with bars and rank insignia.

This may also apply in Freemasonry. But in truth, today’s Masonic veteran has been in the craft less than five years. They’ve been Master of their lodge. They headed up masonic Education to some extent. They’ve taken their expertise in modern technology and dedicated countless hours to bringing the local lodge or maybe even their Grand Lodge into the 21st century. Recent data compiled by the State Education officer of Illinois 2017 / 2018 shows definitively that the average time from joining today to being Master of your lodge is little more than five years.

These Masonic Veterans of today, push with everything they have for results. All to often, they’re met with questions regarding their motive, their attitude and their expectations. They are told to “Be the Change”, which is absolutely the epitome of irony in an organization so against progression. And finally, after years of trying, they give up. They agree to do one thing, fulfil themselves and leave the Craft to fend for itself. If the leadership across the organization is not going to listen, then there’s no point in talking. They become apathetic to the entire organization. Men just stop caring, and can we blame them?

It seems all too often the men who are working for the betterment of the craft do so only at the meetings. To be seen, to shake hands to offer assistance and yet in the space between meetings, there’s nothing being done. The apathetic see this as title chasing. They watch these men climb the ranks and for what? A purple apron? A red hat? A white hat? The awards going to men who have done little to progress the Craft and done much to tout the Craft and perhaps only when someone is looking. Where are these high ranking members when the local lodge needs them? Where are the regular dues card carriers when the lodge needs to simply open?

We’re left asking ourselves the same questions we started out with. And I fear there is no real answer. We romanticize the fraternity. We utilize our inherent human flaw of justifying inaction because it allows us to justify our reason for perpetual action. Our senior members, many of whom succumb to the cognitive bias of declinism, or believing the past to better than it was. The modern Brother, trying so hard to live up to these things and eventually, giving up.

This speech is not intended to be a call to action, as it’s infrequent that words can drum up any kind of long lasting support for a cause. Sure, speeches have riled mankind to win battles, wars and to vote. But whilst you all may sit here in the audience, agreeing with the words I’m saying, while you nod your heads in agreement, while you take notes and write down ideas about what can be done, we should all understand that after this moment, after today, after next week, you'll have forgotten. And none of this will matter to you until that next meeting, that is, if we even show up.

I offer no solutions but to fulfill your own Masonic desires, to vote with your feet and let whatever happens to Masonry happen. Work to improve things and if it doesn’t happen, then try to move on and focus your energy where you think it will make an impact. Don’t let the apathy, laziness and fair-weather Masonic experience get you down. As a great man and mentor once told me, “You have to be okay with Masonry the way it is. Work on your own path.”

If you were taking notes, if you were having little ideas about things while hearing or reading this, I hope you stopped and wrote those down. Those are the ideas which can be tried and tested, those are the ideas which may change the future of this fraternity. To be sure, not all of the ideas you’ll conjure up are good, but some of them certainly will be. If we don’t work to make our experience better, to get ourselves in the seats, to read the books, to bring those things to the lodge, to make men better, it’s going to continue to be an empty experience both literally and figuratively. We gaze at the shadows of the great fraternity, burned into the walls with wonder. Like an archaeologist looks upon a dead language, we are reminded that while we respect the past, we cannot be a slave to what was. It’s time to work harder on what you want.


RWB, Robert Johnson is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master. He is also a Past District Deputy for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four, works full time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid home brewer. He is the co-author of "It's Business Time - Adapting a Corporate Path for Freemasonry" and is currently working on a book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

Transition of Leadership

by Midnight Freemason Senior Contributor
WB Gregory J. Knott

Admiration Chapter No. 282 of Royal Arch Masons received its charter in September 2017. Leading up to this momentous occasion was a series of requirements that had to be met as outlined by the Grand Chapter of Illinois. Having met all those requirements, the Chapter was then granted a charter.

Early in the process, the key founders of Admiration Chapter knew there were some in the Grand Chapter leadership who were skeptical of our efforts. I don’t blame them as I am sure they have seen other groups of well-intentioned companions who wanted to start a new chapter, but just never could get it off the ground.

At Admiration Chapter we did things differently. We deliberately took our time and assembled a group of Companions who were dedicated to a unified goal of completing the work necessary to obtain our charter. But none of this would have happened without leadership within these aspiring Companions.

In 2015, MEPGHP of the Grand Chapter of Illinois, Sean P. McBride granted the group a dispensation to become Admiration Chapter U.D. (under dispensation). When this dispensation was granted, one of the requirements was that a Companion who had previously served as Excellent High Priest (EHP) of another Royal Arch Chapter, serve as the initial EHP of Admiration. Michael J. Dooley, who was a past EHP of Champaign Chapter No. 50 (Champaign, Illinois), stepped forward and agreed to serve in this capacity.

Over the next three years, Companion Dooley did an outstanding job of leading the efforts towards the chartering. First off, Mike lives nearly 50 miles away from where Admiration Chapter meets and thus has a 100 mile round trip just to make the meetings. Mike has never missed any of our degree work, chapter convocations, special meetings etc.

Mike’s leadership style is one of encouragement to others, always putting in a good word for someone, and a willingness to perform any role. He is not one who worries about titles or medals, but rather looking for the growth of both freemasonry and the individual brothers. He is always the first to say “yes I can do that” and is very quick to acknowledge the contributions and service of others. He exemplifies servant leadership.

Let me extend my sincere thanks to Mike for both his leadership and example to others. This fraternity is better because of men like Mike and I have no doubt that his leadership will continue in not only Admiration Chapter but in numerous other places in Freemasonry.

At our convocation last night we had elections of officers for the upcoming year. Admiration Chapter is now in the very capable hands of Midnight Freemason Founder, Todd E. Creason. I foresee continued strong leadership ahead for Admiration.


WB Gregory J. Knott is Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No. 970 and a plural member of Ogden Lodge No. 754, Homer Lodge No. 199 and Naval Lodge No. in Washington DC.

A Little Get-Together

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Steven L. Harrison, 33°, FMLR

Left to right; Steve Harrison, Greg Knott, Todd Creason, Darin Lahners

Each year in May when I make my annual pilgrimage to the Indianapolis 500 – a near-religious experience – my journey takes me through the Champagne-Urbana, Illinois region. There, in recent years, I've taken that opportunity to meet with friends from the area. We have lunch, share the experiences of the past year, exchange ideas and maybe even tell a tall tale or two. Freemasons all, the conversation usually has a lot to do with the state of the Craft, whether in our local lodges or with other Masonic issues in general.

Our small group consists of Todd Creason, Greg Knott, yours truly and this year, for the first time, Darrin Lahners joined us. While Freemasonry struggles with membership issues, our exclusive “order” has grown by 33%.

Todd is the founder of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He has written a slew of books on Freemasonry including three novels where some of the characters are Brothers, and has been named a Fellow in the Missouri Lodge of Research. Greg is a Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge 970 in St. Joseph, Illinois and is a director of the prestigious Masonic Society. Darrin just served as Master of St. Joseph Lodge 970 and this coming year will be Master of Homer Lodge 199. Darrin has written about some tough issues he faced as Master this year and the fact he's out to do it again at Homer emphasizes his dedication to the fraternity. That doesn't even serve as a “Reader's Digest” version of what these men have accomplished. Their full biographies can be found at

These Brothers are so dynamic, enthusiastic and have had so many successes I'm sometimes surprised to find they run into the same issues I encounter; but they do. We share those issues and try to work out what solutions and suggestions we can in the space of an hour or so.

I really look forward to this little get-together. It's nothing earthshaking. We're not going to solve the problems of the world in the small amount of time we have. Maybe its greatest significance is there are three – make that four guys – different ages, different backgrounds, different geographical regions getting together. If not for the bond of Freemasonry this wouldn't happen. I wouldn't know any of them and, although Darrin, Greg and Todd work at the same place they wouldn't know each other as well or perhaps at all.

I've seen this kind of thing happen a lot. We are a band of Brothers with common experiences and obligations. Knowing we share the tenets of Freemasonry brings us together like magnets. Just seeing that square and compasses pin on a lapel makes us want to know more about the man wearing it. It's not just a conversation piece; it represents the strong bond of Brotherhood.

This year's meeting came and went all too quickly. We finished our meal, posed for our mandatory photo and went our separate ways. Across the parking lot from the others, I barely could hear one of them say, “Meeting adjourned.”

That is until next year, God willing.


Bro. Steve Harrison, 33° , is Past Master of Liberty Lodge #31, Liberty, Missouri. He is also a Fellow and Past Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research. Among his other Masonic memberships are the St. Joseph Missouri Valley of the Scottish Rite, Liberty York Rite bodies, and Moila Shrine. He is also a member and Past Dean of the DeMolay Legion of Honor. Brother Harrison is a regular contributor to the Midnight Freemasons blog as well as several other Masonic publications. Brother Steve was Editor of the Missouri Freemason magazine for a decade and is a regular contributor to the Whence Came You podcast. Born in Indiana, he has a Master's Degree from Indiana University and is retired from a 35 year career in information technology. Steve and his wife Carolyn reside in northwest Missouri. He is the author of dozens of magazine articles and three books: Freemasonry Crosses the Mississippi, Freemasons — Tales From the Craft and Freemasons at Oak Island.

Exercising Self-Discipline

by Midnight Freemasons Founder
Todd E. Creason, 33°

Just like any muscle in the human body, character traits also grow stronger when they are exercised.  Of these, I think most will agree that self-discipline is key to many of those most desirable traits. It’s also the most difficult to master—if we ever really do master it. If you look at just a few of the virtues a Mason strives towards, temperance, fortitude, and prudence, you’ll realize that without self-discipline there is little hope of making progress in any of those virtues.

Temperance is not about abstinence as many believe today, it’s about moderation. It’s about maintaining a balance, and applying due restraint to our passions so that we aren’t tempted by the allurements of excess. Masons are taught to avoid excess in all things, and temperance is that virtue that reminds us to practice all things in moderation. That requires a level of self-discipline.

Fortitude is that virtue that provides us with strength. As we’re taught, fortitude is that steady purpose of mind that enables us to withstand any pain, peril or danger. It allows us to stand strong in our words and deeds and not stray off the noble path. Again, this requires a mastery of self-discipline because standing strong in the face of danger or even criticism is a very difficult thing to do.

Prudence is a virtue closely related to both temperance and virtue. It is a virtue that helps us regulate our lives by applying reason and wisdom to any given situation to help to determine the proper path. It is the wisdom to know when to act, and when not to act. It is the wisdom to know when it is best to speak, and when it is best to remain silent. It is the wisdom to know when to fight, and when to flee. Prudence is the balance between temperance and fortitude. And without question, prudence requires a great deal of self-discipline.

I’m an impulsive person by nature—self-discipline is not something that has come easy to me. It’s something I’ve worked very hard on since I’ve become a Mason, and I’ve made tremendous progress over the last thirteen years. Much of the progress I’ve made is because I practice self-discipline every day.

I discovered early on, that I do great at self-discipline until I’m tempted, or I was put under stress, or I was challenged in some way—then my self-discipline vanished in an instant. That’s because I had self-discipline in theory only, but not in practice. I’d have a great day and meet all my diet and exercise goals, and then I’d drive by the Dairy Queen on the way home, and suddenly I’d be eating a peanut buster parfait. I’d stop by the tavern on the way home at 5 o’clock for “one beer” and I’d still be there at 10 o’clock (or later). I’d make an effort to control my temper, until somebody said something I didn’t like and in a flash . . . well, you get the idea. So I decided to teach myself self-discipline the same way I learned how to write books and play the piano. I practice it over and over again every day, and over time it becomes easier to apply in those situations when I’m tested.

I have a number of daily exercises I use. The purpose of these exercises is to challenge myself, and make myself pay particular attention to my words, my actions, and my attitudes in an area that I feel I need improvement in. I intentionally make myself live outside my comfort zone in different areas so that I can better handle myself in a proper manner when real challenges present themselves. Some of the daily challenges are fairly easy, but require me to think about one particular area for a day. Other challenges are very difficult for me, and I’ll often have to repeat them for a few days in a row until I move on—and I’ll go back to those again and again until they get easier to accomplish. Some of my challenges I’ll set up to last a week. Some of my challenges involve diet and exercise. Some involve my interactions with other people. Some involve distractions that I need eliminate. Some involve productivity. Some involve getting out of a rut I’ve found myself in. Some involve changing the way I think about things that repeatedly seem to irritate me. Patience is something I’m particularly challenged with at times, so those are exercises I go back to time and again. One thing you can be sure of, is that I’m working on something every day.

And it works. The more you exercise something, the stronger it gets—makes no difference if it’s a muscle or a trait. And just like with athletes, the time they spend training and working out off the field prepares them for the challenges they face on the field. As I’ve said many times before, it’s not just about doing Freemasonry, it’s about living Freemasonry. A big part of Freemasonry is that idea of personal growth and self-improvement. You can learn the principles of Freemasonry from books, but you can only apply the principles of Freemasonry through practice in your daily life.

Freemasonry isn’t three degrees and done. It’s a lifetime commitment to keep chipping away throughout our entire lives on that rough ashlar.


Todd E. Creason, 33° is an award winning author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series.  He is the author of the the From Labor To Refreshment blog.  He is a Past Master of Homer Lodge No. 199 and Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL) where he currently serves as Secretary.  He is a a Past Sovereign Master of the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees.  He is a Fellow at the Missouri Lodge of Research (FMLR) and a charter member of a new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282.  He is also a member of Tuscola Odd Fellows Lodge No. 316.  You can contact him at:

The 24 Inch Gauge

How Can I Divide My Time To Meet My Obligation?

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. Michael Arce

Within each degree, the instruction on the Working Tools is one of the most beautifully written parts of ritual. In the first degree the use of the 24-inch gauge continues to fascinate me. Every time I hear the breakdown of the twenty four inches into 24 hours, further divided into 3 equal parts of 8 hours, which are to be allocated for serving God, a worthy distressed Brother, our work, and refreshment and sleep — I always think, “How is that literally possible?” At some point in the history of our Craft there must have been a time when men had time in their day to live like this, right?

Those words were created back when we didn’t sleep in one eight hour chunk but in two shorter periods, overnight. Dating back to medieval times two-piece sleeping as it was called, was standard practice. Chaucer tells of a character in the Canterbury Tales that goes to bed following her “firste sleep.” And what did people do between their first and second sleep? Everything from reading a book (most likely their Bible), talk, or go for a walk in the countryside to visit with their neighbors.

Keep in mind this is back when time was still kept by burning a candle. Your day began, literally, at daybreak and you were in bed by sundown. Dividing your time into three equal parts wasn’t hard when your day was made up of eat, sleep, work, and repeat. Church wasn’t just something you did on Sunday morning: it was your Sunday. Take away my Netflix binging on Sunday afternoon when I finally get to watch TV for a few uninterrupted hours, and instead,  give me a few hours every night between Midnight at 2AM for reading and I would have that service to God box checked!

Fast forward to 2018
If I was to compare dividing my time to the Activity Rings on my Apple Watch, the large ring would definitely be my work hours, the medium ring my sleep, and the smaller ring the time invested in the service to God or my Brothers. I’m being very generous here with my math. I pulled up a random day on my calendar this month… Wednesday, April 11th. Workday for job #1 started at 8AM (up for work by 6:45AM). Work schedule has a couple conference calls, a meeting, lunch, and time at my desk to work on my daily task list. End of workday for job #1 is at 4:30PM. Job #2 starts at 5PM and goes until 11PM. Home by 11:30PM and in bed (hopefully) before Midnight.

My “Work” ring is dominating my life
And this isn’t just happening on Wednesday of last week, this is pretty much every weekday. The more I investigate the breakdown of my time, the only time I really dedicate to “Masonic” service are my nights at Lodge. Hmm. That’s like four hours a week.

I’m being literal on purpose because it’s impossible to literally divide your time into 8 hour parts every day. It is also important to remember that the working tools of an EA are the 24-inch gauge AND the common gavel. One to divide your time, the other to clear your life of distractions. That’s the important part of the Working Tools lesson: do you examine how you spend your time? If your time is not prioritized, how can you fix the areas that are lacking?

There is an advantage to living in 2018 versus 1518
Besides the warm shower to start my day or the fresh, brewed cup of coffee that is set to go off at 7:15AM, I also have this little blue book that was given to me when I was raised as a Master Mason that contains ALL of the standard work and lectures from the degrees I took. I carry this little blue book to work to read during my lunch break or downtime. On my drive to and from work I listen to my favorite masonic podcast (Whence Came You?) to get my weekly dose of masonic education and discussion. I also have a cell phone in my pocket and strapped to my wrist as a watch, which allows me to text or call my Brothers throughout the day. It might seem trivial but when I ask them how their day is going or converse with them about their daily dilemma, isn’t that service to a distressed worthy Brother?

When I re-evaluate my day through the lens of present day, yes, work still dominates my life (for now) but I can “steal” a few hours here and there to meet my masonic obligations. Instead of literally dividing my time into 3 “start/stop” parts I use a combined/running clock. Really what depresses me now is the fact that my sleep circle is pretty much non-existent. Until I start taking naps under my desk or retire, I don’t see how I’m going to catch up in that area. Perhaps that’s why we call them the “Working Tools.”


Michael Arce is JW of St. George’s #6, Schenectady and a member of Mt. Zion #311, Troy New York. When not in Lodge, Bro. Arce is the Marketing Manager for Capital Cardiology Associates in Albany, New York. He enjoys meeting new Brothers and hearing how the Craft has enriched their lives. He can be reached at

Remembering our Past Masters - Revisited

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Adam Thayer

Last year at this time, I was lucky enough to receive permission to share my lodge’s Past Master’s Remembrance ceremony with you HERE. At the time, I wrote it from the viewpoint of the Master of the lodge, with more of a cold, analytical point of view, so that I could provide you with the script and staging instructions to hold your own ceremony. Now I’m the junior Past Master in my lodge, and would like to discuss the why, instead of the how.

As you read in the linked article, the junior Past Master is responsible for the planning and execution of the Past Master’s Remembrance ceremony. They arrange the dinner, manage the printing and mailing of the invitations, the programs, and present the speech given. This is considered their last official act as Worshipful Master, and to say that a lot is riding on it is an understatement.

Heading into the day of the event, I worked hard (under the direction of our long-suffering Tiler) to get the room set up properly and test the projector to be certain that all of the deceased PM pictures would appear in the proper order. We also arranged to have an Oriental Chair draped at the entrance, to further drive home our reason for being there. Before walking out of the lodge, we cranked the air conditioner to as low as it would go, in the hopes that the room would be cooled off in time for the ceremony. (Author’s note, this is called foreshadowing, don’t forget that we did this)

I mailed the invitations at the end of April, which should have provided plenty of time for them to arrive, however a number of people still haven’t received them as of writing this article. We are experiencing a similar issue with donation requests that are being sent out from one of the foundations that I work with. As an aside, if anyone knows a solution to getting first class mail delivered reliably, please email me at and let me know!

Because many people didn’t receive the invite, turnout was significantly lower than expected, especially among the Past Masters. Out of the 31 living Past Masters in our lodge, there were only 7 in attendance (including myself), and attendance rates among the members and the widows was very similar. Very important lesson learned: while mail is good, you can’t put your entire hopes on it arriving. If I could advise future junior Past Masters planning this event, I would tell them to take a multi prong approach, by mailing the invite, then following up via email or phone.

The dinner itself was good, if a bit overpriced by the caterer, and I fear I may have driven our secretary into a minor mental breakdown when he saw the bill. One of the only positives that came from such a low turnout is that we’ve enough leftovers for our business meeting next week, and so one meal was stretched into two. I know, I’m stretching a bit to justify the cost. Very important lesson learned: try not to spring a large surprise bill on the person who will be writing the check.

After dinner, we retired to our lodge room for the ceremony itself, and I have to say that after having been out of the East for so many months it was a bit nerve-wracking being back up there. Even though I had practiced, and checked to make sure that everything would run smoothly, I was still back to being as nervous as I was at my first meeting as Master.

Ten minutes before the start of the ceremony, I returned to the lodge room, and turned the air conditioner off. Our air conditioner is an older system, and in addition to being slow to respond to changes, it is incredibly noisy. It is also incredibly complicated, as it has independent controls in three different rooms, and if they aren’t all set correctly it won’t turn on… or, as the case was last night, turn back off! Even though I was nearly shouting through most of the ceremony, part of the room couldn’t hear a word I said (except, of course, for when I mispronounced a name). Very important lesson learned: no matter how hard you try, some things will always be outside of your control, and you just have to learn to live with that.

The ceremony itself was as beautiful as always, as the original author had a way with words that I can only aspire to. I have been lucky that, through my Masonic journey, I have been forced into public speaking at every turn, and so I was able to actually look at the people gathered there instead of “talking to the podium” as I’ve seen done so often. More importantly, for me, is that I was able to watch as each of the 104 carnations was laid, one for each deceased Past Master, and so able to honor them by remembering them, and in this I learned the most important lesson: never forget the people behind the ceremony. It’s so easy to get caught up in worrying about all of the details that we forget the reason we hold the ceremony to begin with.

After the ceremony it was time for tearing down and cleaning up, presenting carnations to the widows, and thanking the current Worshipful Master for allowing me to have his lodge for the evening. Of course, we also had to go out for pie afterwards (for more information on the importance of pie, see my article HERE), and everyone talked about how great the evening was, but for me nothing will top the honor of getting to honor the 104 men who faithfully served our lodge in life before laying down their working tools and attaining peace at the last.


WB Adam Thayer is a grumpy-ish past master of Oliver #38 in Seward, NE and Lancaster #54 in Lincoln, NE. He continues to be reappointed to the Grand Lodge of Nebraska Education Committee, as well as being an occasional host on the Whence Came You Podcast. He may be reached directly at or summoned by placing a certain number of lapel pins in a special pattern around a petition for an appendant body.