Why Your Lodge Should Do A Joint Degree

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bro. Michael Arce

Photo credit: W:. Michael G. Koshgarian

The case for providing the best experience for candidates and members

Stop me if you've experienced this... your lodge is hosting a degree and the only thing secured is the candidate's name. Your scrambling to fill the chairs. One Brother with an important role only knows half of his part, really, he just started learning it after having weeks to prepare. It's degree night and another Brother, the who only seems to show up on degree night (we all know that guy), is asking out loud, "What's for dinner? Who is doing the prompting?" Forget about practice or rehearsals, you can barely get a team assembled for degree night. Does this sound familiar?

Many years ago, my district floated the idea of creating a database of Brothers who can perform parts of our ritual. While there are lodges who have members who can fill every degree role, some feature a bench so deep with alternates and backups - just in case. For many lodges that need help filling open parts and positions, the thought was, if we compiled a list of "specialists" who could be contacted in advance, this resource would help the lodge coordinating the degree. Bringing in help is one way of pulling a degree together. However, the other idea also provides the best experience for the candidates and members of the lodge. A joint degree showcases the Masonic principle of how the best work is done together, in harmony.

A Joint Degree

I had the pleasure and honor of attending and participating in a Joint Degree featuring SIX candidates from THREE Lodges in TWO districts: Van Rensselaer #87, Clinton Lodge #140, and On Da Wa #820. Clinton Lodge hosted the degree. When I spoke with their WM Larry Rivenburg about the work in bringing this degree together, he said, "there was a lot of paperwork." I volunteered that evening to assist the Brothers in the preparation room who would be taking their Fellowcraft Degree that night. I also served as a conductor to one of the Brothers, in a line that just barely fit in the area needed for the floor work.

While in the Lodge room, that's when it hit me; I'm a member of two Lodges in this district, guiding a Brother from another Lodge in a room FULL of members. That point was shared when I spoke with the Senior and Junior Deacons after the degree, they both were excited performing a degree in a room with 40 Masons versus the handful who typically attend their meetings. Looking around the room there were the purple aprons of Right Worshipfuls, an Assistant Grand Lecturer in the Marshall's chair, and the DDGM of a neighboring district (Saratoga-Warren-Washington) delivered the Middle Chamber Lecture, with a level of proficiency and comfort that connected and engaged all listening to his voice. Excellent job, RW!

Sure, there were the usual pauses and prompts that come with any degree. But overall, this was the first degree I have attended where, as a someone on the sidelines, I got something out of the evening's performance. I witnessed Brothers representing many lodges come together and work as one for the benefit of the Craft. It didn't really sink in until my drive home that magnitude of what had happened that evening, how different the experience for the candidates would have been if their mother lodge had attempted to confer the degree on their own.

After the degree, another first - every Fellowcraft shook the hand and thanked every Brother in attendance that evening. Without knowing the work that goes into conferring a degree, the recognized and appreciated the efforts of those who made this experience possible. There were smiles, exchanges of invitations to visit each other's meetings, and fond farewells. This is what Freemasonry is about. This is the impression our degree nights should be leaving, that reminder that we work best - together.

I was happy to see the text message on my phone the next morning in my lodge group chat, the Master of Clinton Lodge had expressed interest in doing a joint degree with my lodge in April. A smile warmed my face as I recalled the words from Psalm 133, "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!"


Brother Michael Arce is the Junior Warden of St. George’s #6, Schenectady and a member of Mt. Zion #311, Troy New York. When not in Lodge, Bro. Arce is the Marketing Manager for Capital Cardiology Associates in Albany, New York. He enjoys meeting new Brothers and hearing how the Craft has enriched their lives. He can be reached at: michael.arce@me.com

Washington’s Birthday

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor

Celebrating the birth of American Freemasonry’s most famous Brother

Today, Freemasons and Americans all celebrate the birthday of the man, the military hero, the Freemason, and the legend - George Washington. Author Ron Chernow once estimated that more than 900 books have been written about George Washington. A majority of those books detail his life, his military service, and his time in office as the first President of the United States. Master Mason’s in good standing with the Grand Lodge of the State of New York have access to the Livingston Library, as they seek additional Light in Masonry. There are 17 reading courses, each containing 5-6 titles selected by the Library. Washington is prominently featured throughout the reading list either as a subject or topic. At his visit to Mount Zion #311 in Troy, New York, our DDGM RW Ken White focused his remarks on Washington. I reached out to RW White afterward to share some of his insight into His Excellency, Worshipful Brother George Washington on his 284th birthday. Below are his thoughts.

Washington’s lesson in leadership

The symbol of the Leader of the Free World is the President of the United States. To date, we have had 45 Presidents all of which have had diverse backgrounds in age, creed, education, careers, wealth and family. Fourteen of these men were Freemasons, we can call them brothers. Fourteen out of 45. Just under 33 percent (31) or one-third of all our Presidents. That’s a pretty good batting average and in the sport of baseball that gets you into the Hall of Fame!

Of course, when thinking of our Masonic Presidents, the Hall of Famer in my mind is George Washington. There’s no need to dive into detail on all his accomplishments for they are well known. He set the bar for the position as well as an example for all Brothers to follow in the Craft. Just think his character, how our Founding Fathers not only chose him to lead the troops but later looked to him lead our country’s fledgling government. He was the rock star of his time who made such an impression, we named our children, schools, states, towns and whatever else we could find to honor him. Think of what a person would have to attain nowadays to reach such admiration.

There are four known leadership types, and all have different attributes. The first is the creator or the artist. He is clever and creative. They envision change, so their influence is based on anticipating a better future in generating hope in others. Being original is highly prized. They express themselves in spontaneous, creative responses to their surroundings. They are imaginative, able to handle a high degree of ambiguity and are comfortable with abstract ideas. Success for this type is defined by expressing new ideas and prototyping those ideas when possible. Washington subscribed to a fundamental belief in creating a new nation from the tyranny of England. He showed spontaneity and creativity with his surprise crossing of the Delaware River. Washington embraced the idea of being original, serving as the prototype of a new government position - President of the United States, not a king but a leader for the people.

The second leadership type is the competitor or the athlete who is aggressive and decisive. This leader actively pursues goals and targets and is energized by competitive situations. Winning is the principal objective. These leaders are hard drivers and producers, very demanding of themselves and others. Speed, stealth and discipline are keys to their approach. Success for this type involves energizing and expanding opportunities for problem-solving by deploying resources. Washington displayed these characteristics as General of the American forces during the War for Independence, continually having to improvise his tactics to remain competitive against the dominating British Army. As a gentleman farmer, in his letters home, he frequently asked about his crops keeping detailed records of their growing patterns. Washington was also a land speculator who believed that America’s destiny lay in expansion to the west. He shared his dream of linking the Potomac River through a series of canals and roads to the Ohio River - opening trade and commerce.

The collaborative or Sage leader is caring and empathetic. This third type of leader is keenly aware of others and cares for the needs of individuals. They are skilled in building a community of people and sharing knowledge between them. They seek interactions among community members and allies and use processes by conflict management and consensus decision-making. Their success is defined by the creation of healthy relationships to dialogue, trust, and understanding. Outcomes of these collaborative practices are shared values and commitment. They use their team orientation and cooperative nature to accomplish their goals. Morale and commitment or actively pursue. Masonically, we can trace the traits displayed by Washington in his ability to build consensus among his officers. He presided over the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, which addressed the weak role of our new government in federal and state issues, much like a Master would rule and govern his lodge.

Lastly, the controller or engineer is a well informed technical expert. These leaders are diligent, meticulous, and function based. They influence others based on the control and management of information. Improving efficiency through process redesign and the implementation of reliable technology is a hallmark of the engineer. Success for this type is improving quality through the use of procedures. This leader is risk-averse and seeks to take variation out of the system, valuing standardization consistency. Measurement is used as a tool to achieve these values. It may seem hard to imagine Washington behind a surveyor’s scope, but he began learning how to measure land during his teenage years. He carried that skill professionally during his expositions out West both personally and as a professional soldier. All good Masons would also recognize that in his Masonic portraits, Washington holds the trowel, the perfect representative of his character.

As we remember Bro. Washington today, let’s pause to review his lesson on leadership. Masons work to improve ourselves, our Lodges, and our communities. Good leaders keep an open mind and know their weaknesses. Good men respect that everyone has a worldview and therefore a bias towards a particular strategy or perspective. Leaders partner with others that challenging them. Sages and engineers challenge each other, as do engineers and artists. Great leaders will develop the appropriate culture and competencies in their organization is to produce the desired value proposition. Finally, my Brothers, let’s embrace the portrait of Washington with the trowel, ever remembering that we have obligated ourselves to lead a good and responsible life, using the trowel to cement ties between each other, and spread Brotherly Love.

RW Kenneth M. White is District Deputy Grand Master of the Old Seventeenth District representing the MW William M. Sardone Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York. Ken is a First Vice President of Wealth Management and Senior Portfolio Manager for UBS Financial Services. As a youth, Ken was an Eagle Scout and has carried those ideals into his adult life by being active in many community activities. He is a member and past master of Wadsworth Masonic Lodge #417, Albany, NY, a member of Ancient Scottish Rite Valley of Albany, and a member of Cyprus Shrine.

Can You Be A Christian And A Freemason?

by Midnight Freemasons Founder
Todd E. Creason, 33°

There’s a couple reasons I wanted to address this topic—primarily it’s due to the number of comments and questions I get on this subject. More often than not they aren’t questions, I get told “you can’t be a Christian and a Freemason.”

That’s not true. I’m a Christian and a Freemason. And I have things in my life aligned in the right order, too. God first, then family, then my job, and Freemasonry taking up the rear. I’ve been a Christian for over thirty years now. I’m a regular Bible reader, and I attend church. Nothing is more important to me than my relationship with God. I’ve worked hard in my life to apply those values I find in the Bible to my life, and like all Christians I fall short. However, I’ve never found anything in Freemasonry that conflicts in any way with what I’ve read in the Bible. And I’ve never been involved with a church that had a prohibition against Freemasonry—in fact one of the Deacons in a church I belonged to for more than a decade was a 33rd Degree (long before I knew exactly what that meant).

Some denominations and some individual churches however prohibit their members from joining the Fraternity, for a variety of reasons. I won’t go into all of those reasons, but the most common complaint I hear in my area is the fact that our Fraternity is open to all men who believe in the existence of God—so it’s open to all the major religions. Our opening and closing prayers are nonsectarian so they can be applied to any of the major monotheistic religions. Because  Freemasonry welcomes men from all religions, we don't close our prayers with "in Jesus' name we pray."  Some Christian denominations and churches have an issue with that. And that’s their right, and I can even respect their position.

This position on admitting members from all religious beliefs isn't new to Freemasonry.  In fact, Freemasonry has served a very important role in our nation's history on this very topic of religious toleration and religious freedom in America.  In America, we have the freedom of religion. It’s in our Constitution—it’s there BECAUSE of the Freemasons. That concept of freedom of religion came from the Masonic Lodges.  In fact, there were a few concepts in addition to religious freedom that were borrowed from Freemasonry by our Founding Fathers when they were drafting the United States Constitution. Because Freemasonry yesterday and today respects ALL religions, ALL Americans have the right to worship as they wish.  And because of those rights secured in part because of the traditions of Freemasonry, those churches today have every right to prohibit their members from joining our Lodges if they feel it conflicts with their religious beliefs.

How do you like that, huh?  This was our idea!

So I’m not going to argue whether or not denominations or churches have the right to make rules like that—they clearly can. And I’m not even going to argue whether those prohibitions are right or wrong. If those are their beliefs then we need to respect that.  And one thing we should never do as Freemasons is to discuss religious beliefs in our lodges, or pass judgements on these policies or these beliefs--I see this a lot on social media.  Questioning someone's religious views or their church's policies is the surest way to start a fight--it's something that's deeply personal.  One of the surest ways to divide your Lodge and alienate one Brother from another is to discuss religion among yourselves--the second way is discussing politics.  We all know we shouldn't discuss religion or politics in Lodge and the reasons why.  Another reason I wanted to touch on this topic is because of some of the ugly things I've read on social media lately aimed at churches and denominations that have a prohibition against joining a Masonic Lodge.  As a member of the Fraternity that helped found the concept of religious freedom in America, we should practice what we've been preaching for so long.

Not all churches feel negatively about Freemasonry--far from it! Many respect the organization, and many even join with the Freemasons in raising funds to support local causes. I recently joined a church I’d been attending for some time, and before I joined, one of the things I asked the Pastor of that church was how that church felt about Freemasonry. That church respected the good work that our Fraternity does, and there are a few Freemasons that attend my church—I noticed Masonic license plates in the parking lot the first morning I attended so I was pretty sure I knew how he was going to answer that question when I asked it.

I’m a believer. I’m also a Freemason. In my experience I don’t see the two conflict with one another. In fact, I think they complement each other. Many of the morals and tenets taught in the Bible are mirrored by the teachings of the Fraternity as well. Concepts we strive towards as Freemasons like truth, brotherly love, charity, toleration, etc., are the same concepts the Pastors of Christian churches are preaching on every Sunday. The Fraternity gives me opportunities to apply those principles. It gives me instruction on how to incorporate those concepts into my life each day. It encourages me, like my church does, to continue to work at improving myself and my moral character. I don’t see any conflict at all . . . for me.

But getting back to my original question. Can you be a Freemason and a Christian? I clearly can and am!  But whether you can be a Freemason and a Christian is between you, God, and your church. But any Freemason will tell you that you should never put the Lodge before your relationship with God. And if that means you don’t join a Masonic Lodge because of a prohibition against membership, then you should respect that.

I can only answer this question for myself, and you must do the same.


Todd E. Creason, 33° is an award winning author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series.  He is the author of the the From Labor To Refreshment blog.  He is a Past Master of Homer Lodge No. 199 and Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL) where he currently serves as Secretary.  He is a a Past Sovereign Master of the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees.  He is a Fellow at the Missouri Lodge of Research (FMLR).  He is a charter member of the a new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282 and currently serves as EHP.  He is also a member of Tuscola Odd Fellows Lodge No. 316.  You can contact him at: webmaster@toddcreason.org


by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
RW Dan Lort

In a recent short essay, I expounded on the word “convenient” as it relates to our duty and obligation of heading out on any particular evening to attend a lodge meeting. What drives us to go or what holds us back one might ask.

Perhaps at the core of what makes a Lodge thrive or what contributes to their slow and deliberate death, we should look at why our Brothers are staying home. Why are they resisting their duty to answer and obey a regular summons to a meeting? Could it be that, outside of our wonderful degree work and ritual that we’ve become BORING? Is every meeting a RERUN of the last one?

Every day, we witness the consolidation of Lodges and Masonic Districts as they shrink in size. Why are we seeing Masonic districts comprised of 15-20 lodges 20 years ago with 5 now remaining? What makes a Lodge of 40+ members ask to turn in their Charter? What causes a Lodge that had 150 members 10 years ago to wither to 30 members today?

Across every jurisdiction we hear Grand Masters, District Deputies, Staff Officers, and Worshipful Masters talking about the works on their Trestle boards. How many trestle boards are distributed with the date of the meeting followed by “TBD” for the work of the evening? To Be Decided. An acronym for “beats me”, “I’ll wing it”, or “we’ll make it a business meeting only”? Who among us has worked through the “convenient” hurdle as we watch our early evening TV or dine on an early dinner and decided it’s time to get suited-up and head to lodge only to arrive, sit through an opening, business meeting, and closing and be home and back at the TV within an hour? We then ask ourselves the question, “why”? A great many Lodges have taken this to heart and are presenting interesting and diverse programs each meeting. Many others struggle to have one or two speakers or programs during their lodge year.

Yes, it was good to see my brothers who, like me, came out tonight to attend Lodge. We had plenty of time for a program of some sort. Not even a Short Talk Bulletin. Maybe Bro. James talking about his bee-keeping. Hey! What about asking the local precinct commander to come and speak about crime fighting efforts in our neighborhood? So many possibilities. How do we make these happen?

One very simple but underutilized word---PLANNING. Interesting and engaging events seldom happen on their own. Sure, every now and then we’ll look on the sidelines and see a brother who has a particular skill or vocation that we could ask him to speak about “off the cuff”. As Worshipful Masters, we owe it to the Brothers who have elected us and to the Lodge as a whole to do everything in our power to see the Lodge not just survive but to thrive and grow. To do this we need to exert a certain amount of EFFORT. This effort may involve everything from putting together a Trestle Board during the summer before our Lodge comes back in session to personally calling our officers the day before a meeting to let them know the plans for the evening (and to gently remind them of the importance of their attendance). Perhaps a summer meeting with the Wardens to put together a Trestle Board and brainstorm about programs for evenings with no degree work.

Of course we sometimes hear comments from some long-time members saying things such as “We don’t need to do something special every meeting.” or “Some of us...” just like to have a meeting and get home. The Brothers we don’t hear this from are the ones who are so bored with the program-less meetings that they stop coming to Lodge in lieu of other options. These are the Brothers we need to target. They are the future of our Fraternity. They are the ones who will take the place of our senior members as infirmity and the Celestial Heavens take over.

Keeping our meetings vibrant, contemporary, and interesting is vital if we are to keep our new andseasoned members engaged. Being now enabled in the NY jurisdiction to open and close our Lodges on any degree has become a wonderful tool to maintain the connection with our EA’s and Fellowcrafts as they progress through the degrees. Keeping our regular communications interesting is a mandate we need to understand and put into practice if we are to stem the flow of those leaving us because we’ve become “boring”. NO MORE RERUNS! What could be easier?


RW Bro. Lort is a Past Master of Alexandria Lodge #297 in Alexandria Bay, NY and a plural member of Gasport Lodge #787 in WNY. He is also a member of the NYS Grand Lodge Committee on Consolidations as well as several other GL committees. He is a 32°member of the A.A.S.R Valley of Syracuse, serving as CH for the Sackets Harbor Chapter RAM, & a member of the Divan of Media Shrine, A.A.O.N.M.S. RW Bro. Lort is a past DDGM of the Jefferson-Lewis District, Grand Lodge of NY and currently is a Grand Lodge Regional Asst. Grand Lecturer. He is a retired Law Enforcement officer and enjoys many outdoor activities. He attributes his successes in Freemasonry to his early days in DeMolay in Western NY.

Masonry is a Progressive Science?

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bill Hosler, PM

Sometimes it is hard which phrase to believe. “Masonry is a progressive science.”, which means the Craft has been changing since time immemorial. On the other hand,  some Brethren say, “Freemasonry has been the same since time immemorial.” and still yet, others say, “The landmarks of Freemasonry can never be changed.” So, which do we believe?

If we stop and really think about it, anyone who has studied the history of our Fraternity for any amount of time knows we aren’t the same groups as we were three hundred years ago. If James Anderson or Benjamin Franklin were to have the ability to visit a Masonic lodge of the twenty-first century, I truly believe they would not recognize it as the same organization.

Lodges are meeting inside their own buildings or grand temples instead of above taverns, regalia made in a factory instead of by hand at home…etc. The changes we don’t think about which have occurred since the founding of the grand lodge system have been numerous. So why do we as Freemasons find it so hard to embrace change in our Fraternity?

In this instance I am not talking about the usual force against change, the stereotypical elderly Past Master we envision sitting in the North of the Lodge room with a scowl on his face, reminding all of us how things used to be-- but a larger group which, until recently I included myself in.

This week I was listening to the current episode of the Scottish Rite Journal podcast. The piece entitled “The Purple of our Fraternity: Caring for our Material Culture” which was an article written by Heather Calloway published in May/June 2014 Scottish Rite Journal discussed how the House of the Temple cares for the priceless artifacts of our past. At the beginning of the article, Heather describes how the Scottish Rite has changed the way the group communicates over the last two centuries.

In the beginning, the Rite would confer degrees by just reading the ritual to the new members. Once he heard the story, the Brother attained that degree. The current system of degrees didn’t come about until the Albert Pike era. With the advancement in theatrical technology and a larger membership valley, they began to have the manpower and budget to produce beautifully done degree work for new members, with actors in beautifully ornate costumes and with props and backdrops obtained from companies which specialized in fraternal merchandise. This period of degree presentation has lasted for over one hundred and fifty years.

Today in the twenty-first century we live in a fraternal world with a lot fewer members. Those members we do have are either elderly and can no longer do the work involved in putting on a large production of twenty-nine degrees like acting, lighting, costumes, stage crew, sound whatever their specialty was, or they have retired to a warmer climate and are no longer active. The younger men in many valleys are trying to balance family commitments, their job, and their other Masonic obligations, because chances are, they are also active in their Blue Lodge, York Rite or other Masonic bodies. 

They can only fold that twenty-four-inch gauge so many ways! Even if they had more time to commit, the number of young members would still be difficult to fill all the positions it takes to put on such elaborate productions. They might even have the issue of where to hold these large reunions. A good example of this is the Scottish Rite Valley in Fort Wayne, Indiana where I took my degrees. A few years ago, they had to sell their beautiful auditorium and now has a small office in a business park. Degree work must be done at a different location. It no longer has the luxury of a place to store large backdrops, enough costumes for many men and twenty-nine degrees.

I know many Valleys have begun to just perform a handful of degrees every year and communicate the remainder of them by the officers coming out on stage and perform what some have called “a blessing" on the others (Kind of like, "Okay, you have now just received such and such degree because I said you have.) Lots of Brethren were against this because it took away from the degree work and the candidate didn’t get the moral and the meaning of the degree intended to be conveyed. Sadly, I believe this was done out of desperation of the circumstances mentioned above, and the officers of the bodies couldn’t come up with a better way to accomplish the task.

The last few years, there has been much crying and gnashing of teeth of the collective Masonic world because The Scottish Rite Northern Jurisdiction has begun the practice of filming their degree work and presenting it to the candidates in a smaller venue on a movie screen instead of an elaborate stage show.

This degree work in the films is performed by Masons in various valleys around the jurisdiction in full costumes and with theatrical effects, much like seeing the work performed in person, on stage but in a movie format. No shortcuts are taken, and nothing is left out. The candidate still receives the same message by watching the degree performed in this form versus our current system of degree delivery. I know this isn’t what many of us believe to be the way a new Brother should receive these degrees, but after some reflection, I think these series of videos might be more beneficial to the Rite on several levels.

FINANCIAL: I’m sure this is obvious but without the need to maintain and upkeep a large theater (Not to mention the heating and cooling of such a building) which is only used a few times a year, Valleys can better use the funds they collect for such things as an almoners fund for members and their widows and orphans who are in desperate need of help in hard times.

The funds can also be saved for rainy days when their building needs emergency repairs or other unforeseen expenses. Instead of passing the hat or endless fundraisers that require manpower the body doesn’t have or rarely and barely break even instead of providing much-needed revenue the group could be on a solid financial footing.

MANPOWER: Anyone who has organized a reunion weekend, or any large Masonic event knows how frustrating it is trying to find Brethren who will commit (and show up) to assist in putting on an event, can attest to how frustrating it can be. Back in the day this usually wasn’t an issue. You would have multiple men volunteer or just show up to help. But today many times you begin to feel like a one-man band.

Rehearsals no one shows up for, finding members to fill roles and then asking them to fill multiple roles because no one either volunteered or was a no-show. Hoping you can find people to set up tables for lunch…etc. In the end, it will get done but not to the standards or vision you had at first perceived it would be, and those few volunteers you had will eventually burn out and begin not to show up anymore.

With a scaled down reunion, a handful of Brethren can set the room up the night before and have everything in place for the next morning. Not only will the candidates have a pleasant experience, but your crew will also! No one will have to wake up at 4am on Saturday morning to set things up. They will be able to enjoy themselves and go home that night without being exhausted. They might enjoy it so much they might volunteer for your next event!

RETENTION: The two reasons I listed above are pretty much common sense. But I don’t think many people have really thought about how we can retain members with the model I am discussing. But I feel this could be an important point and so far, (as far as I know) has been overlooked.

As we know most incoming members have no idea about the degrees, how they are performed, what they contain, whatever. From many studies we have heard about over the years they are just looking for education, deeper meaning for life. They don’t care about “How it used to be done.” They just want to become better men, as we tell them can be done, by putting on a Masonic apron.

As it is now, a man sits down in a theater seat, watches a couple of plays, sees some officers tell him the plays you didn’t see are “communicated” to you (Whatever that means) and BAM! You are a Scottish Rite Mason! No explanation of what he just experienced-- just a dues card and a lapel pin. "Thanks for coming! Make sure to come back again and see the same degree next year or visit a reunion in another city and hope they present different degrees than your valley does."

One hundred and fifty years ago it was common for a young man to attend a vaudeville show or a play as a form of entertainment. For today’s twenty-first century man attending a live stage show (Other than a concert) is a rare event. In this age of “Netflix and chill” if a man does venture to a theater it would be to see a big screen special effects laden movie. In my opinion, live plays, with amateur actors might be a new concept for him and the message of the play could be lost just because of the novelty of the experience.

We all know that the society of today is heavily influenced by movies and television. We constantly quote movies in our daily lives. We as Freemasons know movies influence young men thanks to the joining boom after the National Treasure movie was released. Video can be a tremendous influencer on our incoming members.

When the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction polled its membership and potential members one of the top things, they said they wanted was Masonic Education. They didn’t specify how it was delivered. They just asked for Masonic light (Sound familiar?) I don’t know how many times I’ve heard Brethren wish they could have seen all the Scottish Rite degrees instead of just a few at a reunion. (Or all of them crammed into a weekend).

Video allow for so much more Masonic Education than a stage play. During a reunion men can be seated comfortably in a Lodge room and after each video an instructor or leader could lead a group discussion on what the candidate believes the moral of the lesson way, and what was the symbolism used. The group can interact amongst themselves with guidance of the leader before they move on to the next lesson. In this way, a candidate has an idea of what the Rite is trying to teach him and what Masonry expects from him. It also helps the candidates get to know each other as they progress through the degrees, building teamwork and friendships. It also eliminates the constant complaint of degree work “being taught like drinking from a firehose instead of a garden hose.”

Videos also allow for Scottish Rite bodies to take degree work “on the road” to lodges in areas that are difficult for Brethren who live a great distance away from the Scottish Rite Temples. This could spark interest from Brethren who feel driving to the city for a meeting every month isn’t worth their time or gas money. If the Brethren see that a meeting is more than just the reading of minutes, that they actually could benefit from attending they might be more apt to attend meetings more regularly.

These videos would also be a great way to hold Masonic Education nights for interested members. They would be fantastic if they could be incorporated into study clubs which work in conjunction with the Master Craftsman program or The Hauts Grades Academy. Think of the discussions and positive Interaction among members!

Brethren, these are just a few examples of ways this small change could lead to a positive effect on our Fraternity. I’m sure creative minds who gather together could come up with even more benefits and uses for this new way of doing things. Like I said before, nothing I propose is a “Masonic landmark” and has not been done since “time immemorial”. It was once an innovation to the way things are done in the new age, just like what I am proposing. I am just asking you to sit down with an open mind and consider what I have laid out here.

Like the book by Alan Deutschman entitled, “Change or Die”, if we don’t change the course of how we are doing things, eventually there will be a time when we can no longer continue with our current methods. If and when the time comes it might be too late to try and change. I’m sure one thing we all can agree on is no longer having a Scottish Rite body to be a member of is a change none of us wish to see happen.


WB Bill Hosler was made a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Indiana. He served as Worshipful Master in 2007 and became a member of the internet committee for Indiana's Grand Lodge. Bill is currently a member of Roff Lodge No. 169 in Roff Oklahoma and Lebanon Lodge No. 837 in Frisco,Texas. Bill is also a member of the Valley of Fort Wayne Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in Indiana. A typical active Freemason, Bill also served as the High Priest of Fort Wayne's Chapter of the York Rite No. 19 and was commander of of the Fort Wayne Commandery No. 4 of the Knight Templar. During all this he also served as the webmaster and magazine editor for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana.

Finding Your Mission In Freemasonry

by Midnight Freemasons Founder
Todd E. Creason, 33°

I get a lot of emails. Too many to answer. There’s one type in particular that make me bite my tongue, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to tell you what I really think. I get a seemingly endless stream of complaints from Masons about their Lodges—every concievable kind of complaint you could possibly imagine I’ve read over the last dozen years. And when I ask that Mason what they’re doing to address that situation, do you know what I get more often than not? They’re doing nothing about it—besides writing to the Midnight Freemason like I’m “Dear Abby” or something.

So let me put some perspective on this. When I joined my Lodge, I went through three marvelous degrees (there are few Lodges in this country that do a better job with ritual than the Lodges right here in my own area). I expected that experience to continue after I was raised, but like so many Masons that write me, that’s not what I found. I found myself in boring business meetings, and pancake breakfasts, and we had workers clubs where we were instructed in ritual—and let me tell you, the instructors in those sessions weren’t polite, they weren’t patient, and I was often singled out in a way that sometimes reminded me of my experience in Army basic training.

I knew that there was an intention that Freemasonry be more to men than what I found when I joined. I took the responsibility of bringing that “something more” to Freemasonry on myself. I moved up through the chairs. I started a newsletter in my Lodge. I read books and researched Freemasonry and shared what I was learning with my Lodge (in very short and very interesting pieces). I researched and wrote books. I started a blog and in the beginning wrote and posted three short education pieces every single week—it’s the blog your reading now, and it’s become one of the largest and most read Masonic blogs that exist today. Over years and years I’ve met other Masons in my area interested in the same kind of experience in Masonry that I was interested in. And over time, we’ve slowly changed the culture in some of the Lodges in my area. Both of the Lodges I belong to now place a focus on member education—teaching our members old and new about the principles of Masonry and how to apply them to their every day lives. And we’re just getting there now after thirteen years of hard work. And it’s a job that I’ll keep working on for many, many, many more years. It’s a destination I’ll never arrive at, but it’s been a very rewarding journey—and I’m quite certain when I finally lay down my tools, somebody else WILL pick them up and continue the work I began.

So you can imagine what I’d like to say to people that complain about their Lodges. I’ve yet to hear a complaint that I haven’t had to work through in one way or another myself—from cranky Past Masters to clashes with a Lodge cultures that were resistant to anything new. The key to the whole thing is connecting with Brothers that share your vision—as you can see from the Midnight Freemasons of today, I’m no longer alone here.

Freemasonry is a call to action. It’s a call to labor. It’s not here for your pleasure, and if that’s why you joined, you’re in the wrong place. There’s an expectation in Freemasonry that you’re going to work. You’re going to learn our ways. You’re going to learn and apply our values. That you’re going to work in your Lodge to become a leader and an example to others both in your Lodge and outside its walls. You’re going to work hard on improving yourself so you can become an example for others to follow. You’re going to work in your communities to improve the quality of life for those that live there. There’s a reason so much of our ritual has to do with laboring in the quarries, and building a house not made with human hands. What I learned from those Masons I’ve studied and written about over the years is that the vast majority of them were men of action. They didn’t complain, they saw what needed to be done, and they did it even when they failed at it over and over again as a few of them did.

Each of our journeys in Freemasonry is going to be different, and yours won’t be like mine most likely. But in order to really get out of Freemasonry what was originally intended, we have to work at it. And at some point, we all find our niche. We all find our mission. For me it’s about member development and Masonic education. For others it’s about ritual instruction. For others, they find their mission in everything from flipping pancakes to raise money for charity to driving young children to their doctors appointments at a Shriner’s Hospital.

But Freemasonry isn’t here for your pleasure--it’s here for your improvement. And sometimes the path to personal growth isn’t clearly marked. Many of us have had to cut our own trail. That’s what many of us here at the Midnight Freemasons have done. The advantage of blazing your own trail in Freemasonry is when you turn around, you’ll find Masons following you because you’ve established a clear path for them to follow.

That’s why we’re here, and that's what I'd like for people to know who write to me.  Don't ever underestimate your ability to make a difference.

Todd E. Creason, 33° is an award winning author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series.  He is the author of the the From Labor To Refreshment blog.  He is a Past Master of Homer Lodge No. 199 and Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL) where he currently serves as Secretary.  He is a a Past Sovereign Master of the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees.  He is a Fellow at the Missouri Lodge of Research (FMLR).  He is a charter member of the a new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282 and currently serves as EHP.  He is also a member of Tuscola Odd Fellows Lodge No. 316.  You can contact him at: webmaster@toddcreason.org

Having Been Tried, Never Denied

What That Line Means and Why It Is So Valid In Our Ritual

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bro. Michael Arce

"Having been tried, never denied, and ready to be tried again." Those words have fascinated me from when I first studied ritual to earn proficiency. Why do we say them? What do they mean? And how does that phrase make me a Freemason? I asked so many questions. In the examination, the position of that answer comes as part of the supporting evidence of your identity as a Mason. If you trace the steps of our ritual in your mind, you can recall the direction your route took to confirm that you were qualified to enter our fraternity. As a man in your community, you showed an interest in Freemasonry. You contacted a Lodge, maybe came to a few dinners, met the Brothers and at some point, asked to join. It's at that moment that you completed a petition, answered essential questions about your beliefs and values, sought out a Brother to attest for you, and listed some references. What I described is the typical application process that most gentleman experience in joining a Lodge. But that's not really where your Masonic journey begins. We are told that we are first made a Mason in our hearts, then in a Lodge. What does that mean? That you are born with the search for Light impressed in your soul, that you live a life full of experiences, and that a certain point your heart syncs with your mind - directing your steps to a Masonic Lodge.

Having been tried, never denied

Countless songs and stories have been written on the experience we call life. I was shopping for a new winter coat for my girlfriend when The Mighty Mighty Bosstones song, "The Impression That I Get" played on the speakers overhead. I recognized it instantly because it was one of my favorite "SKA" songs from the '90s. I laughed to myself when the song hit the first line in the chorus. I'll let you listen to it, see if you get the inside joke. "The Impression That I Get" covers a wide range of daunting experiences in life. Tests, you might say. The song starts with a series of situations; odds stacked up high, needing strength you didn't possess, rising above the rest. As each challenge is presented, the singer poses the question, "it makes me wonder if I could?" By the time we hit the song's bridge, the lyrics change from wondering if one could pass the test to believing that, "If I was, I would pass." Why the change? As the song goes, "'Cause I know someone who has." The debate has continued since 1997 on the meaning behind the song. Did Dickie Barrett (songwriter/lead singer) write it for a friend who's brother died of leukemia? Was it a statement about the AIDS testing that was happening at the end of the 90s epidemic? Perhaps he wrote it after going through some unthinkable tragedy? In the 22 years following the song's release, it is safe to bet that we will never really know the story behind the song. We know this; the questions posed in "The Impression That I Get," reinforce the lesson of persistence through life's challenges stemming from a belief in ourselves and something larger than yourself.

Ready to be tried again

We understand that you were born a Mason in your heart. That your experiences in life shape your perspectives, your values, your beliefs. Our ritual evolved from ancient methods of worship that now provide learning opportunities with each degree building upon the preceding lesson. As you work on completing the three degrees of Freemasonry, you submit to situations, mentally and physically, that test your knowledge of what you have learned. You must pass these tests to advance. By participating in each degree, men acknowledge this trial as they prepare to obligate themselves to something much larger than himself. Throughout our degrees and study of the lessons found in the ritual, we are paired with a faithful friend, a fellow Brother who guides us with his words and steps. We don't have to know how to navigate through each situation or lesson - we must trust "someone who has." Having been tried, never denied, and ready to be tried again prepares one for the lifetime of learning as a Freemason. As Master Masons, we are presented Working Tools to use in our everyday lives, each with its own specific purpose for the unique daily challenges we face. PM Bill Hosler reminds us of the explanation of the ashlars in Lodge rooms, how that lesson encompasses the repetitious cycle of life. "Masonry takes that Ashland and helps shape it for the builders use. You continue through life, raking everything it tries to hand you, and the whole time your Ashland continues to get smoother and not cracking from defects of the constant work from life’s working tools. You made it through being never denied. You continue to become a better man, one who is 'willing to be tried again.'"


Brother Michael Arce is the Junior Warden of St. George’s #6, Schenectady and a member of Mt. Zion #311, Troy New York. When not in Lodge, Bro. Arce is the Marketing Manager for Capital Cardiology Associates in Albany, New York. He enjoys meeting new Brothers and hearing how the Craft has enriched their lives. He can be reached at: michael.arce@me.com

Bro. Professor Thaddeus Sobieski Constantine Lowe

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Darin A. Lahners

Thaddeus S.C. Lowe was born on August 20, 1832 in Jefferson Mills, New Hampshire. He had no formal education, but demonstrated a thirst for knowledge which would culminate with his career as an inventor. At the age of 18, he attended a lecture given by Prof. Reginald Dinkelhoff about lighter than air gasses. He impressed the Professor with his enthusiasm on the subject, and invited him to join him as an assistant on the lecture circuit. Over the next decade, Lowe became an expert in Balloon aviation, becoming a prominent builder of ballons as well as an exhibitionist of them. In 1855, at one of his demonstrations, he met his future wife, a Parisian Actress named Leontine Augustine Gaschon. They were wed one week after meeting and eventually had 10 children together. Later in that decade, he set about building bigger balloons, and had a goal of making a transatlantic crossing in one.

In April 1861, Lowe attempted to fly from Cincinnati, Ohio to Washington, D.C. He took off on April 19, just a week after the fall of Fort Sumter and the beginning of the Civil War. Instead of heading east, his balloon was blown off course, over Virginia, down the coast of the Carolinas and into the Piedmont section of South Carolina, landing at Pea Ridge in Union, South Carolina. Upon his descent, it is said that slaves dismayed by the appearance of the balloon thought it to be unholy and fled from the fields shrieking. Locals gathered and descended upon him. One old man believed the balloon to be a bomb from Fort Sumter. While an old woman, thinking him to be a Union Spy took up a fence rail and wanted to kill him. His death was only prevented when Bro. John ‘Hezekiah” McKissick, who was late arriving at the scene, recognized Lowe’s Masonic sign of distress, verified the stranger’s identity and whisked him to safety in Union. Here he was received by local Masons and others. He spent the next day, Sunday in Union, before boarding a train for Cincinnati. It was later calculated that Bro. Lowe travelled over 800 miles in under nine hours, which was a world record for long distance and speed in air flight at the time.

In June 1861, Lowe demonstrated the usefulness of balloons when combined with new electric telegraph technology. On the 11th, from a height of 500 feet above the national mall in Washington, D.C. he transmitted the following message to the president: ““This point of observation commands an extent of country nearly 50 miles in diameter. The city with its girdle of encampments, presents a superb scene. I have pleasure in sending you this first dispatch ever telegraphed from an aerial station, and in acknowledging indebtedness for your encouragement for the opportunity of demonstrating the availability of the science of aeronautics in the military service of the country.” Little more than a month later, Lowe and his balloon saw action during the First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas). After this action, Lincoln approved the formation of the Union Army Balloon Corps, with Lowe as the chief Aeronaut. Loew’s principal contribution to the use of balloons in the military was his invention of a portable hydrogen gas generator. This compiled with the rugged material which his balloons were made of, allowed them to be deployed by the Army wherever needed. Lowe eventually built a total of seven balloons and 12 generators for the war effort.

In the spring of 1862, the Balloon Corps played a significant role in the Peninsula Campaign, observing the confederate defensive positions during the advance on Richmond. At the Battle of Seven Pines, the reconnaissance of Lowe helped identify the buildup of Confederate forces near the Fair Oaks train depot at the start of the battle. When supported with direct telegraphic links to Union Commanders, he was able to provide near real time artillery spotting to the Union artillery units. Although Lowe and his balloons were never damaged by enemy fire, Lowe would contract a serious case of malaria. The Balloon Corps was utilized during the 1862 Fredericksburg and 1863 Chancellorsville campaigns. During this period, Union commanders began to question the cost and usefulness of the balloons. Lowe resigned from the corps shortly after the Chancellorsville campaign.

Lowe returned to the private sector to recuperate from his bout with Malaria, as well as spend time with his family. As the techniques of his aerial reconnaissance began to gain influence around the world, Lowe was offered positions of Major General by Great Britain, France and Brazil. He declined the offers, but he did send a balloon with equipment including portable hydrogen generators. He consulted with their military experts, and referred his best aeronauts, the Allen Brothers to them. James and Erza Allen went on to form the Brazilian Balloon Corps. Lowe’s influence had an impact upon Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, who was a military observer during the war. As General McClellan had put all balloon ride alongs off limits, Lowe referred von Zeppelin to another assistant of his, John Steiner. Steiner was also German, and could better communicate with von Zeppelin. Von Zeppelin returned in the 1870’s to discuss with Lowe his aeronautic techniques. Von Zeppelin would go onto invent the rigid airship which bears his name in 1900.

Lowe went onto continue his experiments with hydrogen gas, patenting a water gas process whereby hydrogen gas could be made by passing steam over hot coal. He also went on to patent designs for several ice making machines. He also discovered that gas burning through a platinum mantel produced a brighter illumination. He started a shipping venture where he installed refrigeration units on an old steamship, and shipped fresh fruit from New York to Galveston Texas, and brought fresh beef back. This was a first, as previously beef had to be packed in preservative salts. Unfortunately, his shipping venture failed due to his lack of knowledge about the shipping business, but the idea was carried on in several other countries. Lowe also manufactured products that ran only on hydrogen gas. His inventions and patents made him a millionaire. He was also awarded the Elliott Cresson Medal for the invention held to be most useful to mankind in 1886.

In 1887, Lowe moved to Los Angeles, California, and then moved to Pasadena in 1890. He built a 24000 square foot mansion in Pasadena, along with starting a water-gas company, founding the Citizen’s Bank of Los Angeles, establishing several ice plants, and purchasing an opera house in Pasadena. Lowe’s next project would prove to be his most difficult. Citizens of Pasadena had always had a dream of a scenic railroad to the top of the San Gabriel Mountains. A civil engineer graduate from Cornell University had developed some plans, his name was David J. Macpherson. He was introduced to Lowe with the idea of joining his plans with Lowe’s financial resources.

In 1891, they incorporated the Pasadena & Mount Wilson Railroad. Unable to obtain the right of way to Mt. Wilson, they redirected the railway toward Oak Mountain. Oak Mountain would later be renamed to Mount Lowe. Andrew McNally, a resident of Altadena, was the co-founder of Rand McNally. He had the name Mt. Lowe printed on all his maps to make it official.

The first section of the railway was opened on July 4, 1893. It started in Altadena and stretched to the top of Echo Mountain. At the top of Echo Mountain, there was a 40 room chalet. In 1894, Lowe added an 80 room hotel, called the Echo Mountain House, as well as the Lowe Observatory. By 1896, the upper division was finished into Grand Canyon ending at Ye Alpine Tavern, finishing the seven miles of track. Lowe lost his venture in 1899, which left him impoverished. The Mount Lowe Railway became part of the Pacific Electric Railway in 1902. The only part of the railway which remained Lowe’s property was his observatory on Echo Mountain. It held a 16-inch reflective telescope. The observatory was destroyed in a gale in 1928. The Railway would slowly fall victim to natural calamities as well. A fire in 1900 destroyed the Echo Mountain House. A brush fire in 1905 took out everything else except for the observatory. A flash flood in 1909 destroyed the Pavilion and an electrical fire took away the Tavern in 1936. The Los Angeles Deluge in 1938 forced the line to be abandoned.

Lowe passed away at his daughter’s home in 1913 at the age of 80. He died penniless. Lowe’s career as an aeronaut would not have been possible without the invention of some fellow Freemasons. The brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacque-Etienne Montgolfier, were responsible for the first public demonstration of a hot air balloon on June 4, 1783. In September 1783, they demonstrated their invention in front of the Court of Versailles. This flight was the first time that living creatures were flown, as they attached a basket to the balloon which held a sheep, duck and rooster. The flight lasted 8 minutes, covered 2 miles and landed safely. Since the animals survived, the King allowed flights with humans. On November 21, 1783; the first flight piloted by humans was made by Pilâtre de Rozier, together with the marquis d'Arlandes. The flight began on the western outskirts of Paris. They flew about 3000 feet above Paris for a distance of nine kilometers. The early flights obviously made a sensation throughout Paris. Numerous works were created to commemorate the events. There were engravings, chairs with balloon backs, mantel clocks and bronze replicas with a dial set in the balloon. There was also crockery with was decorated with pictures of balloons. The Montgolfier Brothers were honored by the French Academie des Sciences for their books on aeronautics, a calorimeter and the hydrolic ram. Etienne developed a process for manufacturing vellum. Both brothers were initiated into Loge des Neuf Soeurs in Paris.


WB Darin A. Lahners is the Worshipful Master of St. Joseph Lodge No.970 in St. Joseph and a plural member of Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL), and Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL). He’s a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, a charter member of the new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282, and is the current Secretary of the Illini High Twelve Club No. 768 in Champaign – Urbana (IL). He is also a member of the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees. You can reach him by email at darin.lahners@gmail.com.

Masonic Secrets

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
RW Patrick D. Cholka

Like many of you, I follow a number of Masonic websites, blogs, podcasts, Facebook pages and other sources that help me to think about the various aspects of Freemasonry. My list of bookmarked sources is quite extensive.

On one of these sources, there are a number of Brethren that are quite concerned about sharing Masonic “secrets”. Recently, a relatively new Brother simply asked what the duties of a Junior Steward are. A simple question and I suspect the Brother that asked the question was recently appointed to the position. A few other Brothers were quick to “whisper good council” in this Brother ear and advised him that to answer his question would be to reveal some of the secrets of Masonry that he promised to conceal and never reveal. The original question was soon after removed.

This confused me.

In the booklets associated with the Wisconsin Program, where the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin’s candidate education and examination information is communicated, we are clearly told that of the information contained in those booklets, the only information we are required to keep secret are the modes of recognition and the duties of the Lodge officers are covered to some extent in those booklets. In addition, in our ceremonies for the installation of officers the duties of all the officers are carefully explained. Seeing that the installation of officers is one of a very few of our ceremonies that can be performed in the presence of Masons and non-Masons alike it doesn’t seem like something we are trying to keep secret. Now, while I understand that there is some variation in this regard between Grand Jurisdictions I have to believe the viewpoints are relatively similar.

Before I continue, let me back up fifteen years as of this April. My interest is developing my understanding of Freemasonry goes back to just a few weeks after I was raised. I had not met the first men who eventually became my first mentors in Freemasonry until the day of my Master’s board. The fact that they knew parts of my family for decades before I met them helped to hasten the development of the connection we had. Anyway, just a few weeks after I was raised one of them saw me rifling through the library at the Lodge and asked if he could help me find what I was looking for. When I explained that I didn’t know what I was looking for he asked if he could make a suggestion and a few weeks later he brought in a book titled “Old Tiler’s Talks” by Carl Claudy.

Anyway, on the discussion about secrets I was immediately reminded of one of the Old Tiler’s Talks that addressed that very topic. In this particular edition, a younger Mason is concerned that one of his Brothers is violating his obligations by taking the slides from the picture lecture home where his children can see them and suggested that someone speak to this Brother about it. The “old tiler” explained to the newer Mason that the secrets of Freemasonry cannot be found on the slides associated with our lectures for if they were, the person that created them, or commissioned them to be created, would be in violation of his obligation.

This got me to thinking: what are the secrets of Freemasonry that we are always so quick to defend?

Freemasonry’s long-standing commitment to secrecy has caused more controversy, both within and without the fraternity, than any other Masonic topic. It is the source of many rumors, suspicions and mistrust. Our commitment to secrecy has both helped and hurt the organization greatly.

In many ways, we are proud of the aurora of secrecy that surrounds the fraternity and what we do, and, in some ways, we encourage it. Some of us like being called a “secret society” or even a “society with secrets” as it promotes the idea that we know something the rest of the world does not.

When we examine this, we begin to understand the nature of Masonic secrecy; how the craft perceives its relationship to the general public. Even the emblems we use in our rituals and the symbols we wear on our clothes and paste to our cars helps to cement this relationship. We want the general public to see these emblems and ask questions about them only to receive a vague explanation in return. Yet, we encourage them to continue to ask questions.

Our desire for secrecy has long gone misunderstood and misinterpreted. As Masons, we don’t reply to the criticisms from the public, and in hearing no reply, our silence is often misinterpreted as confirmation of their suspicions.

Freemasonry generally doesn’t concern itself with its nay-sayers and critics, and I will not suggest we begin facing our detractors head-on. However, the public’s suspicion of Freemasonry is probably due more to our lack of seeking recognition for the good we accomplish than to the thought that we are purposely conspiring. People tend to distrust what they don’t understand. When any group is not public with their efforts, the opportunities to understand what they do are greatly reduced. There are countless reports of the good things that Freemasons and Freemasonry has accomplished by well-respected Masons and non-Masons alike. But it is the negative, real or perceived, that draws the public’s eye and keeps their attention.

There are a number of sources we can point the skeptic to that would clear up a lot of misunderstandings, but as these sources require a general understanding of Freemasonry to interpret, they just tend to strengthen the mistrust. One must have an understanding of Freemasonry in order to understand the context and must understand the context to be able to understand something written about it. You can read a book on nuclear fusion but you have to have an understanding of the topic before you can understand the book. This is the very essence of an allegory: an allegory does not provide answers. The allegory of our ritual communicates our symbols and points us in the right direction. The understanding of them is left to the individual Mason, to his interpretation. When a non-Mason tries to understand the allegory of our ritual without the context he can do no more than read the words on the page and interpret what he is reading.

Once the Mason begins to interpret the allegories of Freemasonry, he may conclude that the lessons his attention is drawn to is intended to either divide or to unite. That Freemasonry’s secret passwords and signs are intended to exclude those that have NOT chosen to understand its beauties or to welcome those that have. He may believe his committed to keep secrets that he may not understand and lose sight of the lessons of our allegories. Or he may understand that the secret modes of recognition and the allegories of our ritual are symbols that illustrate the moral lessons of the fraternity. It may help him to understand that, though parts of the ritual are considered secret, the lessons that lie at the root of them should be revealed, rather than concealed.

Each of us are charged to guard the secrets of Freemasonry but we must consider what can be, or is hoped to be, shared. Guarding those things that are not secrets as though they are promotes intolerance and exclusiveness and contradicts the benevolent spirt of Freemasonry that takes root as the fraternity’s foundation. Some Masons are satisfied with what they see on the surface and do not seek to understand the meanings behind it and the beautiful system of Freemasonry which was carefully constructed to bring people together often keeps them apart.

Consider this: if Freemasonry provides a Mason with the tools to make himself better, and if one of the requirements to become a Mason is to be a good man prior to petitioning a Lodge. Where did that foundation of being a good man come from if not from Freemasonry? It stands to reason that before petitioning a Lodge we were able to tell the difference between right and wrong and had been familiar with many of the principles Freemasonry holds dear: perhaps the principle of equality or even the cardinal virtues of temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice. The principles, tenets and maxims the fraternity holds dear are not exclusive or unique to the Freemasonry and we must have possessed them in our hearts long before petitioning a Lodge. What is unique to Freemasonry is how we reinforce them.

The secrets of Freemasonry then, cannot be the duties of the Junior Steward. Neither can the secrets be that we hold ourselves to a higher moral standard; that we practice the tenets of Brotherly love, relief and truth nor the meanings we have assigned to the ordinary working tools of the ancient operative mason. As Freemasonry expects each of us to continually apply the lessons reinforced in it to our lives, then if we are successful the rest of the world would know as much about the nature of the Fraternity as anyone by our own actions. You can generally tell a Mason by his character.


RWB. Patrick D. Cholka was Raised April 3, 2004 in Henry L. Palmer #301, where he is a Past Master, under the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. He also served as the Worshipful Master of Wauwatosa #267. He has also served as a District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
Past Grand Orator and Past Chairman of the Masonic Committee on Education,  and is a 32nd Degree, AASR Valley of Milwaukee and Past Thrice Potent Master.


by Midnight Freemasons Guest Contributor
Bro. Dan Lort

Convenientfitting in well with a person’s needs, activities, and plans. Involving little trouble or effort.

I often think of this word as I sit in my own or another lodge after a long day spent juggling my schedule between part-time work, the volunteer fire service and other “work-for-free” enterprises I’ve become involved in. Does being here involve “little effort” on my part? Does being here “fit well with my needs, activities and plans”? These are questions I am sure others must have asked themselves. Looking around, I see that I am obviously not the only one that arrived at the same conclusion. But what of the others? I wonder where Joe, Fred, James, and Charlie are. I was sure they’d be here. How curious. Maybe I should have called them. No. They would know that tonight was Lodge night. They’ve been Masons much longer than me. Curious.

I look around the lodge room at more empty seats than full ones. I look at the officer’s chairs, some filled with the elected and appointed officers; some with Brother’s from the sidelines acting as “fill-ins”. I wonder how many of the other Brothers think about how convenient it is to be sitting in Lodge at 7:30 at night. I rationalize that many are getting up there in years as am I. I think about those that had a nice dinner with their spouse or significant other in the early evening and just couldn’t find a reason to leave their cozy sanctuary, put on a suit and tie, go out into a cold wintry evening, and take part in an evening of fellowship.

“Where is David tonight”, I inquire of our Master regarding the whereabouts of our Junior Deacon. “Why is Brother Joe in his Chair”? “No idea. I haven’t heard from him”, replies the Master with a perplexed look on his face and a shrug of his shoulders. Joe doesn’t really know that part but I’m grateful he volunteered to fill the position for the night.

The words personal responsibilitypop into my head. Doing things that aren’t always “convenient” but because we have taken an obligation to do so and because it’s the “right thing to do”.

As I try to fill the hours between late afternoon and 7 P.M. when I leave home for Lodge, I sometimes think to myself how “convenient” it would be to stay in my comfy clothes, pour a glass of wine, and watch something totally meaningless on the TV or perhaps taking my lovely wife out for an early dinner. About that time, my inner voice; the one that always seems to interrupt the easy way out; speaks to me. “Suck it up buttercup”, I hear. “Remember your obligation in the second degree”, reverberates in my brain. “Be a part of the solution-not a contributor to the problem”, is whispered loud and clear. Once again, my all-knowing inner voice prevails. I take my shower, put on the appropriate Lodge attire and off I go.

What greets me? “Good evening Brother”. “How have you been?” “It’s great to see you. Thank you so much for coming tonight”, says the Worshipful Master as he greets everyone at the door.

I again think of convenience and personal responsibility. Are we in Masonry doing all we can to instill a degree of personal responsibility in our new Brothers? Are we teaching them the importance of attending Lodge; especially when given the opportunity and responsibility of taking an office? Do we strongly encourage them to find a replacement if their attendance that evening is not within the length of their cable tow?

Or do we just shrug our shoulders and say, “oh well”.


R∴W∴ Daniel G. Lort, Law Enforcement Committee, Mid-State Region, Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of the State of New York