by Midnight Freemasons Contributor
Steven L. Harrison, PM, FMLR
My seemingly never-ending quest into Masonic research has taken a strange turn lately. I blame Google; promising links gone bad. We all know there is some off-the-wall stuff out there about Freemasons, but lately I just seem to be hitting an abundance of space/alien/Masonic connections. It's not always a direct link, but I've found mysteries with multiple theories where the author spirals into a shotgun approach that ends up with, "If you can't blame the Freemasons, blame it on aliens." The treasure buried on Oak Island is a perfect example: "If the Freemasons didn't put it there, ET did." Then there is my personal favorite — Freemasons get mystic powers from the hexagon on Saturn. Really, I wish these creative conspiracy theorists were right. I could use a few mystic powers.
In our Masonic Lodges we are not to discuss politics or religion. I think we should add UFO discussions to that. I have learned differences in opinion about the nature of UFOs can lead to big trouble between two people who are otherwise friends. Suffice it to say, I'm a skeptic. That's all you get. I don't want any big trouble.
Having said that, hitting a bonanza of links about Masons and aliens lately has given me reflections about my three UFO experiences. That's right, I've had three encounters of the close kind. All three happened when I was in college. I should add, none of those experiences were enhanced by any recreational chemicals so prevalent on campuses then... and now.

Encounter Two: A Cover-Up My roommate during my sophomore year was a level-headed guy. He was, in fact, the president of our dormitory's student government group (I understand it's debatable any politician could be level-headed, but let's move on anyway). One night he raced into our room and announced he had just seen a UFO. Mr. Levelhead went into great detail describing the thing, and said he was convinced it was the real deal. According to him it had a flashing light, moved in three dimensions, turned at right angles and changed direction rapidly. He finally decided it should be reported, so he called the Campus Police (not exactly the FBI, but again I digress). He gave them a description in great detail. When pressed further about the object's appearance he said, "I guess you could say it looked kind of like a helicopter with a strobe light." The next day, much to our initial delight, the story appeared in the campus newspaper (never in danger of winning a Pulitzer). The writers there checked the campus police logs daily and got the story from my roommate's report. It pretty much followed his description of the object and the way it moved, but we were a bit surprised when we read the last line: "Authorities determined the object was a helicopter with a strobe light." If that's not proof of a cover-up, I don't know what is.
So that's where my Masonic research has taken me lately: to sites linking us with space aliens — and fuzzy memories of encounters long past. I think I'll resolve to sticking to the first few hits on Google searches. You never really find much worthwhile on page 27. But I am happy to know about the hexagon on Saturn, which is, in fact, very real. That's cool.
Steve Harrison, 32° KCCH, is a Past Master of Liberty Lodge #31, Liberty, Missouri. He is the editor of the Missouri Freemason magazine, author of the book Freemasonry Crosses the Mississippi, a Fellow of the Missouri Lodge of Research and also its Senior Warden. He is a dual member of Kearney Lodge #311, St. Joseph Missouri Valley of the Scottish Rite, Liberty York Rite, Moila Shrine and is a member of the DeMolay Legion of Honor.
I, too, have had my own UFO experience. In fact, I saw one of the most famous UFO incidents in the past 30 years; the Phoenix Lights. I was driving home that night in 1997 from the then-rural west Valley. I saw an odd grouping of lights approaching a local landmark known as the radio towers on South Mountain, at least 40 miles away from my position. The lights were extremely bright. They passed the towers and continued heading west, then turned north and disappeared from my view. I remember telling a friend at school about them the next morning, and only then learning that they were a mass sighting.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe in UFOs per se, but I do believe in life on other planets. I do not know what they were, but I know what they weren't, military flares, which was the official explanation. My reasoning is simple. As far as I know, flares cannot turn in formation, which these lights definitely did.
Troy Kelley
St. Mark's-Vestal Lodge #435.