by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. Tech

Man is, by nature, an egocentric creature. We start out in life with ourselves as our only focus. This can be justified, perhaps, by our total dependence on another for all aspects of our life. What other recourse do we have but to be focused on ourselves when we are so incapable of providing for ourselves?
On a physiological level, a newborn is mentally unprepared to have a concept outside of their perspective. As we develop, we begin to first understand that objects can exist outside of our direct sight. Later we learn that sounds associate with thoughts and these objects gain names. As we grow further, we begin to learn about intangible concepts. In adulthood, we learn what abstract concepts like justice and love truly mean.
As we grow to completion, in terms of our mental development anyway, we ought to find ourselves letting go of the egocentric creature within us. Instead, however, we find ourselves clinging to that same self-centered perspective.
As I look at the rough ashlar, I see the self – the ego-driven and selfish man. It is not rough and irregularly shaped because there was no plan for its development. The Creator's plan was evident and in existence long before every stone was formed. It is rough and irregularly shaped because of Ego. The egocentric nature in us wants to shape our lives by what gives us pleasure, or what we want in that moment. Every moment of our lives, we work on our ashlar. We build and shape ourselves into what we will eventually become. When we are our own guide, we will never find ourselves matching the true plan and purpose for us. It is only when we let go of the self, and put God in charge in our lives, that we begin to shape ourselves by God's plan. By that Holy Plan, we become part of something larger than ourselves, and fit that role perfectly. That is our Perfect Ashlar.
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it!