Great Masons

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro Bill Hosler, PM, 32°

A few days ago I was driving through a neighboring town to run some errands.  As I passed by the Masonic temple a mural on the side of the building caught my eye.

I have seen this image a hundred times on the internet.  A composite of famous Freemasons gathered together in a painting. Movie stars, politicians scientists and cowboys with one thing in common, during their life they had all been members of the craft.  I smiled as I drove by the building. A warm feeling was inside me because I too was a member of that Fraternity of great men.  As I was driving my mind began to wander.  The reason that mural existed was to show the outside world the great men who once were Freemasons and encourage them to ask for a petition.   It’s a great source of pride for us who are members and a great recruiting tool but that mural only tells part of the story.  There are other “Great Masons” we never discuss.

For every Famous Mason on that mural there are several thousand unsung great Masons who serve this Fraternity every day without thoughts of honors or pay of any kind.

Brother John Smith  comes into the temple twice a week to clean the building.  Several hours a week he sweeps floors, cleans the restrooms, restocks the supplies and makes sure everything is spotless so when the members arrive the place looks and smells good.  Brother Smith does such a good job no one ever thinks it ever gets dirty.

Worshipful Brother Marty Jones.  Marty works with the new members helping them learn their work. He is very patient with the newly obligated Brothers, listening to their repeat the same phrases over and over, helping them with their pronunciation.  Most of all giving them encouragement and answering the questions they might have.

Brother Gordon Brown.  Brother Brown retired from his job a few years ago and felt something lacking in his life. Gordon began volunteering at the local Veterans hospital though the Masonic Service Association helping recuperating veterans write letters, talking to them and providing comfort for those who served their country.
 There are hundreds of examples of these unsung “Great Masons” throughout the world.  Each one doing the small things that combined together, like the stones of Solomon’s temple, build Freemasonry into a beautiful edifice which unites us into that band of Brothers without the thought of thanks or honors.  These men are the true “Masonic secrets”


Bro. Bill Hosler PM
Bill Hosler was raised in 2002 in Three Rivers lodge #733 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  He served as master of the lodge in 2007 and was a member of the Internet committee for the Grand Lodge of Indiana F&AM.  Bill is currently a member of Roff lodge #169 in Roff, Oklahoma and Lebanon lodge #837 in Frisco, Texas he is also a 32° Scottish Rite Mason within the Fort Wayne, Indiana Valley AASR NMJ. Bill has also served as High priest of Fort Wayne Chapter #19 Royal Arch masons and Commander of Fort Wayne Commandery #4 Knights Templar and the Webmaster and magazine editor for Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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