by Midnight Freemasons contributor
Michael Shirley
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Joe Hardwick's "square and compass" inlay |
When Joe Hardwick and I started discussing the mandolin he
was going to make for me, we didn’t have much trouble with the basics. It would
be an F5 model with a vintage look but no pickguard, binding around the body,
the neck, and the headstock, and kind of brown in appearance. It probably
doesn’t say much for my artistic sensibilities that I really like brown.
Anyway, that much was fairly clear, and I trust Joe enough to go with his
instincts, but the headstock inlay required some thought. So one afternoon he
came over to the house and we went online to see what was out there. We figured
we’d order something pre-cut and install it. There’s a company that sells just
about every inlay you can imagine, so we went to their website to see what we
could find. After about half an hour of scrolling we hadn’t got any closer when
suddenly we found it: the square and compasses. “Wow,” Joe said. “I’ve never
seen that inlay before.” Neither had I. So I tried to order it. But I couldn’t
figure out how to do it. I’m pretty tech savvy, but communicating with this
company didn’t seem to be possible. I finally found an e-mail address and sent
off a request for an order form. One of these days I may hear from them. In the
meantime, Joe went home, and, as he is wont to do, started tinkering. He’d
never done inlay before, but he figures that if someone else can do it, he can,
and he’s usually right. He was this time, too. He sent me a photo of his first
effort. “I just piddled with a knife and chisel and did this.” All I could
think was, “wow.” I couldn’t wait to see what he’d do next.
This is the fourth installment of Michael Shirley's Mandolin Series. To be continued . . .
W.B. Michael H. Shirley
is Past Master of Tuscola Lodge No. 332 and Leadership Development
Chairman for the Grand Lodge of Illinois. He's also a member of the
Illinois Lodge of Research, the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, Eastern
Star, and the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. He's also a member of the
newly-chartered, Illini High Twelve No. 768 in Urbana-Champaign. The
author of several articles on British history, he teaches at Eastern
Illinois University.
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