by Midnight Freemasons guest contributor
Steven A. McBeth
I will do what I can to participate in Lodge, charity and events thereof when and where I am able. I also hope I will maintain my attendance and good will, well after I am raised a MM, do my best to give (albeit quietly, and humbly) to charity, be it measured in monetary, or voluntary notes, and become a better man.
I also, perhaps ignorantly, have a great appreciation for those of us who all though do not attend Lodge or functions on a regular or even sporadic basis, still pay their dues and remain Fraternally loyal. You too my Brethren are doing your part. As for me I will keep tightly locked lips on the actions or lack thereof on the part of my peers, and choose instead to transform any potential, future discord into affirmative, altruistic action, where I am able.
My point is.... Complaining about the petty things others are or are not doing serves no good purpose. It is dark, destructive and can be viewed as nothing more than an attention grab (Look at me and all the good that I do). In turn, may I suggest, that we concern ourselves more of our own actions or lack thereof.
I would put out this challenge to any Brother or Brethren who feel that others can, could, or should be doing more; I challenge you to make that extra phone call, show up for Lodge once in awhile (as a newbie the better the attendance, the more attractive) , spread warm and welcoming Light to all who attend, and just be the best that you can be. I assure you if you do this, they will come, or in this case, come back.
Undeniably your inner Light will shine so bright, so attractively to the right people, they too will want what you have, and if they are curious enough to ask, and you are able to humbly inform them you did nothing more then what you know others could, should, or wished they would do, and you oppose despairing complaints and prefer instead constructive action, then you just might be surprised at how powerful are the good and altruistic actions, over the destructive and despairing word.
I’m not saying go out and be an empty do-gooder, not at all. I feel that most good deeds performed under pressure or obligation are no better than no good deed at all, and sometimes even worse. Have you ever heard the saying “Let no good deed go unpunished” Well I have, and through some discernment and unintentional experimentation I have found that any good deed I performed, especially when I was doing it more for myself then for others, simply backfired and caused damage, or more damage than if I had not.
Like I have heard my Mother say many times; “Leave well enough alone”.
So I would like encourage myself and the rest of you, if you feel that something needs to be done, and it is a good thing, then don’t wait for permission, or someone else to do it, just do it. If you have something good and nice to say, then say it, but do it for the sake of doing it, and say it for the sake of saying it, not because you have something to gain, rather because it just needs to be done, and I assure you, gain you will.
The important thing is, when performing a good deed, we do so quietly, humbly, and altruistically otherwise it is no longer a good deed. If I have read correctly, no spiritual brownie points will be added for such vain and proud attempts, rather deductions will be made.
One thing I love and cherish about our Great Fraternity is how little people actually know of all our good works, unless they choose to go looking for them or have been direct or indirect benefactors thereof. This, my friends is a trait which God himself adores. I have always felt that if caught in the act, and others find out, not by my mouth, but by others, this is a blessing, however if I do a deed and boast about, this serves only one purpose, vanity and pride, ok that’s two, but I am sure you get the point...
“Do well to do well, not to do well”
~Steven A. McBeth
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