Judy's Review: Favorite Books

by Midnight Freemasons contributor
Judy Gordon  

"I cannot live without books."
~Thomas Jefferson

I know three authors who have written three plus books--each of the three completely different.  In one, Will the terrorists kill all 7 knights?.  In another, Will a man dance in his underwear? And in yet another, Will there be a life-and-death hunt for a killer who has returned after nearly forty years to silence the last witnesses in a decades old bank robbery? Stay tuned….

I have been an avid reader since my childhood, and my house is overflowing with books. I constantly move from books to books, enjoying the wisdom and fantasies that come with them. But lately, with the age of electronics, I can download my books on my Kindle Fire.

Yes, I do enjoy a good hard back or paperback novel, but with this electronic age, I can store them or delete them. But there are three plus books I cannot delete…

7 Knights-A Novel by Brian Cox.  
A Shot After Midnight by Todd E. Creason. 

If you  haven’t heard of these authors, that’s ok…look them up on the electronic device that you have. These novels are worth your time. 

Oh, and by the way, I did download A Shot After Midnight by Todd E. Creason…but it’s in storage..not to be deleted…

Enjoy the books.


Judy Gordon is very active in Job's Daughters. She's the Past Honored Queen, and Bethel Guardian of Bethel No. 55, Pekin (IL). She received the Cryptic Masons Masonic Youth Leadership Award along with her husband, Ray Gordon in July 2007. She's also Past Matron of the Morton Chapter No. 974 (IL) of the Order of the Eastern Star and Historian of the Emblem Club No. 424 of Pekin (IL) Judy is the recipient of the Degree of Royal Purple (2012) and elected as the Grand Marshal for Illinois Job's Daughters (2015-16). Ray and Judy have three grandkids, and a very spoiled dog, Reggie (who incidentally volunteers as a Therapy Dog at local hospitals and nursing homes.)


  1. [Spoiler Alert!]

    I'm just wrapping up One Last Shot. I may never forgive the author for Roscoe's death. :(

    BTW, it's my first Kindle Book. When the Kindle first came out I thought the price was so outrageous I refused to get one. Long story short, my wife got a Kindle Fire and I inherited her old one.

    OK, I guess I'll forgive the author for Roscoe, but only because the rest of the book is really, really good and that truck is cool.

    1. I get more grief for that--I should have killed off the girlfriend. :-) I'll never be accused of writing "and they all lived happily ever after" books. In suspense, the bad guys always win one, and the reader can never believe the good guys are going to come out okay in the end.

      Glad you enjoyed it. And I was a hold-out on the e-books too, but I don't go anywhere anymore without my Nook. I love that thing.


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